

Well-Known Member
Ground cannibalized Express and now Amazon is building a hub in Cincinnati. Going to be tough to make a living for many.

Just this week Walmart has transferred all their 2 day shipping to express. To keep up with Amazon everything you buy from Walmart that is over 30 bucks is free 2 day shipping. Local Walmart had more skids of express than they had for ground and ground has a pup trailer for the stuff


Huge Member
It will be interesting to see if they can do this. We have a couple of FT PM couriers who no longer do deliveries but only do their pup routes. Work about 20 hours a week and get paid 35.

What I don't get at my station lately is that they'd rather cancel the mid-day routes and have the 5x8 employees take on the extra stops. These 5x8 employees are now getting 1-1.5 hours of OT each day but now the company has to pay minimums to the canceled route drivers. All in the effort to make our productivity numbers look great. At what point does the cost of OT outweigh minimum pay? I might just be a dumb envelope deliverer, but sheesh!

I don't think I've ever been paid minimums as long as I've been at this job. I've always been on busy routes and usually end up with about 3 hours of OT a week.


Well-Known Member
It will be interesting to see if they can do this. We have a couple of FT PM couriers who no longer do deliveries but only do their pup routes. Work about 20 hours a week and get paid 35.

What I don't get at my station lately is that they'd rather cancel the mid-day routes and have the 5x8 employees take on the extra stops. These 5x8 employees are now getting 1-1.5 hours of OT each day but now the company has to pay minimums to the canceled route drivers. All in the effort to make our productivity numbers look great. At what point does the cost of OT outweigh minimum pay? I might just be a dumb envelope deliverer, but sheesh!

I don't think I've ever been paid minimums as long as I've been at this job. I've always been on busy routes and usually end up with about 3 hours of OT a week.

We had a full time swing driver that was so bad at her job that all she did was run a pm pup route for 2 years. They paid her 35 every week. Good use of a body I'd say


Well-Known Member
Amazing what kind of people we retain at this job, no?
She transferred to another station and was later let go. I just always found it funny how at my station (1 belt maybe 40 employees total) they baby and coddle you.

She transferred to a huge station with 3 or 4 managers and was immediately found out and let go


Well-Known Member
It will be interesting to see if they can do this. We have a couple of FT PM couriers who no longer do deliveries but only do their pup routes. Work about 20 hours a week and get paid 35.

What I don't get at my station lately is that they'd rather cancel the mid-day routes and have the 5x8 employees take on the extra stops. These 5x8 employees are now getting 1-1.5 hours of OT each day but now the company has to pay minimums to the canceled route drivers. All in the effort to make our productivity numbers look great. At what point does the cost of OT outweigh minimum pay? I might just be a dumb envelope deliverer, but sheesh!

I don't think I've ever been paid minimums as long as I've been at this job. I've always been on busy routes and usually end up with about 3 hours of OT a week.
That's the problem, they only care about numbers. That's what happens when the station or district managers are not allowed to actually manage the employees on the ground. They are simply Yes men who are only allowed to enforce the "rules" of the mothership. It's always the flavor of the week. The problem is they think they can have their cake and eat it too. If one metric goes up, another must come down. Can't have it both ways.


Well-Known Member
I can confirm they haven't done away with the full-time garauntee yet as I have gotten a few free hours myself these past couple of weeks due to it being extremely light in my area. That said I could see this happening in the near future.


Well-Known Member
There would be a pretty big announcement if that happened. It has not happened yet. Your manager or SM is pulling something shady.


Well-Known Member
Just as reported last month, it won't happen. They are just enforcing the intent of the guarantee. If a person turns down work or swaps routes with another swing to get off early and gets less hours in the process, the minimum can be cancelled. We have people that only have 20 hours by Friday due to only running an FO route or a small PT route. When they are supposed to cover a 10 hr route on Friday, they want to swap with another swing who is on a PT route so they can only work 25 hours and get 10 hour guarantee. That is not the intent of paying guarantee. That is basically turning down hours and they should not get 10 hours given to them.

The Hub could never function and hire people if they did away with the 17.5. They are just gonna more closely monitor the use and hold people accountable when they give them hours.


Well-Known Member
It will be interesting to see if they can do this. We have a couple of FT PM couriers who no longer do deliveries but only do their pup routes. Work about 20 hours a week and get paid 35.

What I don't get at my station lately is that they'd rather cancel the mid-day routes and have the 5x8 employees take on the extra stops. These 5x8 employees are now getting 1-1.5 hours of OT each day but now the company has to pay minimums to the canceled route drivers. All in the effort to make our productivity numbers look great. At what point does the cost of OT outweigh minimum pay? I might just be a dumb envelope deliverer, but sheesh!

I don't think I've ever been paid minimums as long as I've been at this job. I've always been on busy routes and usually end up with about 3 hours of OT a week.

My loop was screwed up for a long time. The two 4x10's were getting nine hours a day, I was getting about 7 (I am a 5x8), and the 5x8 next to me who milks the route everyday, was getting 11 to 12 per day. So they realigned the loop, the 4x10's are getting their 10, I'm getting my 8, and that courier is still milking it and getting 11 to 12 while doing 30 less stops per day.


Well-Known Member
My loop was screwed up for a long time. The two 4x10's were getting nine hours a day, I was getting about 7 (I am a 5x8), and the 5x8 next to me who milks the route everyday, was getting 11 to 12 per day. So they realigned the loop, the 4x10's are getting their 10, I'm getting my 8, and that courier is still milking it and getting 11 to 12 while doing 30 less stops per day.
Gotta love those old-timers who will get 11-12 every day with 80 stops, or 120 stops. Same ones who constantly complain they are over capacity yet will still be out for 12 hours after you take 30 or more stops off them.