

Extra Large Package
We get that also but we get 40 paid. A unpaid hour doesn't count for anything.
So UPS offers 40 hours guaranteed pay? If you only work, say 36 hours at UPS, you will get paid for 40 hours for the week? FedEx offers 35 hours minimum pay. So if you work only say 27, 30, or 32 hours in a week, FedEx will still pay you for 35 hours regardless. Does UPS offer 40 hrs pay guarantee then even if you don't work 40 hours?


Well-Known Member
So UPS offers 40 hours guaranteed pay? If you only work, say 36 hours at UPS, you will get paid for 40 hours for the week? FedEx offers 35 hours minimum pay. So if you work only say 27, 30, or 32 hours in a week, FedEx will still pay you for 35 hours regardless. Does UPS offer 40 hrs pay guarantee then even if you don't work 40 hours?


Well-Known Member
So UPS offers 40 hours guaranteed pay? If you only work, say 36 hours at UPS, you will get paid for 40 hours for the week? FedEx offers 35 hours minimum pay. So if you work only say 27, 30, or 32 hours in a week, FedEx will still pay you for 35 hours regardless. Does UPS offer 40 hrs pay guarantee then even if you don't work 40 hours?

UPS offers a daily guarantee of 8 hours for FT seniority drivers.

There is no weekly guarantee as such but if you work every day you are guaranteed 40 hours.

Yes, we get guarantee pay if we don't work 8 hours.



Well-Known Member
No matter what the salary is, the medical premiums or the retirement options, many on here would still bitch and whine.


Well-Known Member
Get MFE and the others to quit bitching about how miserable they are and find out
The company is unfair, they lie, cheat, and steal. And they pull the wings off of flies and feed sour milk to kittens. And they are just mean. And when mgrs walk they make an odd sound as the lips of couriers which are planted on their rear ends keep slipping off.


Extra Large Package
UPS offers a daily guarantee of 8 hours for FT seniority drivers.

There is no weekly guarantee as such but if you work every day you are guaranteed 40 hours.

Yes, we get guarantee pay if we don't work 8 hours.

I'm getting both yes and no for answers. I read there is no weekly guarantee and then yes you get it if you don't work 8 hours. Which is it? Let me just use this example and you tell me if you get paid for work only 32 hours for the week because you got your work done early. Do you still get paid for 40 hours on your check or do you only get paid for 32 hours? Thanks.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Get MFE and the others to quit bitching about how miserable they are and find out
Or you could click on their screen name and a pop-up similar to this will show. All you have to do is touch "ignore" and you never have to see their whining and bitching again. Try it. I have multiple on ignore. Makes for peaceful reading. :)


Well-Known Member

Man, seems that whole union thing might be a good idea after all!
Ask the UPS drivers how much the drivers get messed with. Better yet, go look around the UPS section and see for yourself. And if you have the time, Google around for the union's financial reports. They're hard to find, but they're out there.
I'm getting both yes and no for answers. I read there is no weekly guarantee and then yes you get it if you don't work 8 hours. Which is it? Let me just use this example and you tell me if you get paid for work only 32 hours for the week because you got your work done early. Do you still get paid for 40 hours on your check or do you only get paid for 32 hours? Thanks.
UpstateUPSer answered. They are guaranteed 8 for the day.


Engorged Member
No matter what the salary is, the medical premiums or the retirement options, many on here would still bitch and whine.

Union company equals higher pay, better benefits, and no crap about minimums.

If you come to work, you are guaranteed 8 hours.

The way it should be. Too bad you have Stockholm Syndrome.


Well-Known Member
Ask the UPS drivers how much the drivers get messed with. Better yet, go look around the UPS section and see for yourself. And if you have the time, Google around for the union's financial reports. They're hard to find, but they're out they're out there.

We get messed with so why not have union representation? Either way, we're going to get messed with.

Oh for :censored2:s sake.

He's not a homophobe, he swears. :rolleyes2:


Well-Known Member
Union company equals higher pay, better benefits, and no crap about minimums.

If you come to work, you are guaranteed 8 hours.

The way it should be. Too bad you have Stockholm Syndrome.
And you would still bitch and whine. You can't help it, it is in your DNA