
Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
...and you can hammer upper management and go easy on your manager, not that I would ever consider it!
The sad thing is, even the questions dealing with upper management effect our immediate managers. It's a rigged survey. They're hoping we'll feel bad for our managers not rate upper management poorly. I'll apologize to mine and tell him please don't take it personally, but I'm not going to lie about how poorly upper management and our company is treating us.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Just as reported last month, it won't happen. They are just enforcing the intent of the guarantee. If a person turns down work or swaps routes with another swing to get off early and gets less hours in the process, the minimum can be cancelled. We have people that only have 20 hours by Friday due to only running an FO route or a small PT route. When they are supposed to cover a 10 hr route on Friday, they want to swap with another swing who is on a PT route so they can only work 25 hours and get 10 hour guarantee. That is not the intent of paying guarantee. That is basically turning down hours and they should not get 10 hours given to them.

The Hub could never function and hire people if they did away with the 17.5. They are just gonna more closely monitor the use and hold people accountable when they give them hours.
Nope. That's not what he told me about couriers. As he said, in the past, it was management's responsibility to find us work to meet our minimums. Not anymore. I'm waiting until I see what he shows me tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
There would be a pretty big announcement if that happened. It has not happened yet. Your manager or SM is pulling something shady.
Unless the company has changed the rules a mgr can enter that an employee has waived their guarantee if they actually have. And they can B.S. an employee and do it anyways, as the company will assume it's legit. Had a mgr do that to me in '99. So if people aren't getting at least 35 hrs, and aren't paid the guarantee, and it's happening to a number of people at that station, and yet no one here has heard anything at their station, then you have a management team screwing their employees because they figure the employees only know what they're told. It's either company wide, or it's fraud. If you don't want to file a GFT, consider reporting it on the 1-800-fraud line first and see if it's corrected.


Well-Known Member
The sad thing is, even the questions dealing with upper management effect our immediate managers. It's a rigged survey. They're hoping we'll feel bad for our managers not rate upper management poorly. I'll apologize to mine and tell him please don't take it personally, but I'm not going to lie about how poorly upper management and our company is treating us.

I don't feel sorry for any manager, that's their job. My manager was bugging me for not turning in any sales leads, and said he was sick of answering to his boss about my lack of leads. Told him, not my problem. But, then to get him off my back, I turned in an absolute dead end lead. Got business cards for every gas station on my route, I'll turn those in.


Well-Known Member
Unless the company has changed the rules a mgr can enter that an employee has waived their guarantee if they actually have. And they can B.S. an employee and do it anyways, as the company will assume it's legit. Had a mgr do that to me in '99. So if people aren't getting at least 35 hrs, and aren't paid the guarantee, and it's happening to a number of people at that station, and yet no one here has heard anything at their station, then you have a management team screwing their employees because they figure the employees only know what they're told. It's either company wide, or it's fraud. If you don't want to file a GFT, consider reporting it on the 1-800-fraud line first and see if it's corrected.

Too bad you don't bring up things that happened in the LAST century.


Well-Known Member
Too bad you don't bring up things that happened in the LAST century.
It still happened. As I said, don't know if they can still do it, but they used to be able to enter a courier waived their guarantee. My mgr promoted me to FT swing but would only let me get 35 or more hrs if I worked 6 days. Two weeks that I worked 5 days and was under 35 hrs he entered that I waived my guarantee. He wouldn't let me go FT unless I was willing to do this, but assured me it would stop at end of summer, which it didn't. Me working 6 days was another courier's idea that he was happy to do because most Saturdays had to force couriers to work. I wasn't happy having to work 6 days to just get 36-37 hrs. When I transferred went to company about it and they covered for him. Of course no skin off your back but the company has plenty of mgrs willing to skirt rules to help themselves. I've seen it in numerous places, including multiple times in this century. Where have you been?


Well-Known Member
It still happened. As I said, don't know if they can still do it, but they used to be able to enter a courier waived their guarantee. My mgr promoted me to FT swing but would only let me get 35 or more hrs if I worked 6 days. Two weeks that I worked 5 days and was under 35 hrs he entered that I waived my guarantee. He wouldn't let me go FT unless I was willing to do this, but assured me it would stop at end of summer, which it didn't. Me working 6 days was another courier's idea that he was happy to do because most Saturdays had to force couriers to work. I wasn't happy having to work 6 days to just get 36-37 hrs. When I transferred went to company about it and they covered for him. Of course no skin off your back but the company has plenty of mgrs willing to skirt rules to help themselves. I've seen it in numerous places, including multiple times in this century. Where have you been?
Sometimes bad things happen to bad people. Karma


Well-Known Member
I expect a steamroller to flatten you any day now.
X can to anything they want, whenever they want, to whom ever they want, as often as they want. Why? Because there is no unified voice standing up to them and stop them from doing it. Oh sure, you have an HR department who pretends to speak for employees..... yeah right. It's like the fox guarding the hen house .Just remember who's employment they are in. The deteriorating workplace environment and compensation package exists because the blue collar work force of the company allowed it to happen . And as long as it continues to worship and idolize the wealthy elite of this nation nothing's going to change except for the worst. You go on and on about what they did to your pay and pension.......Well there's plenty more where that came from and it's way.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but I was trying to make a point based on my own experience about mgrs playing fast and loose with the rules about guaranteed minimums. I have no control over what others post attacking my posts, but will defend myself. Guys like Oldfart can't stand anyone criticizing the company for anything and have to lash out.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Sorry, but I was trying to make a point based on my own experience about mgrs playing fast and loose with the rules about guaranteed minimums. I have no control over what others post attacking my posts, but will defend myself. Guys like Oldfart can't stand anyone criticizing the company for anything and have to lash out.
While I understand that, it would be nice to have ONE thread where we can have an open, simple dialogue about what's going on in our respective stations without talk of Fred, politics, etc. Maybe I'm asking too much. :(


Well-Known Member
While I understand that, it would be nice to have ONE thread where we can have an open, simple dialogue about what's going on in our respective stations without talk of Fred, politics, etc. Maybe I'm asking too much. :(
I think you should try the 1-800-fraud line because if it isn't happening elsewhere then your mgrs are defrauding employees out of their agreed upon compensation. Have you talked to HR yet?

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I think you should try the 1-800-fraud line because if it isn't happening elsewhere then your mgrs are defrauding employees out of their agreed upon compensation. Have you talked to HR yet?
No. I'm waiting to see what he shows me in black and white. He told me the COE (Categories (?) Of Employment) is no more.


Well-Known Member
No. I'm waiting to see what he shows me in black and white. He told me the COE (Categories (?) Of Employment) is no more.
Then again if they're now offering a lump sum on the traditional they may be trying everything possible to offset the new pay plan. Will be interesting to hear what he shows you.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but I was trying to make a point based on my own experience about mgrs playing fast and loose with the rules about guaranteed minimums. I have no control over what others post attacking my posts, but will defend myself. Guys like Oldfart can't stand anyone criticizing the company for anything and have to lash out.
You are complaining about something that happened 18 years ago. Really? 18 years ago.