Excuse me. It is a 22 day training packet, he had already finished his training he just had one day left to gain senority. If he didn't cut it he should have been let go earlier. He was told by his managers that he was doing fine, until his 29th day. At our center they want all preloaders to load 200 pieces per hour. The ones who have a lot of packages make it fine but the ones who don't have enough package volume really find it hard to make these such numbers. In my friends case he was just a little under 200 but he helped others when he was done which made up for that. He had misloads, but the supervisor helped him entire time so it is not entirely all on him. The bottom line is, a lot of people are not making these unreasonable numbers but management can do nothing because of job protection, so if he is my friend and because I am a shop steward they figured he may be like me and not make numbers because I know that they are unreasonable in the 1st place and just the give drivers a good load is my goal