Questions about the unions

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Strength through joy
Hey kid try going to tnet and ask your questions. Ask for scb.
scb is quite knowledgeable about what you are looking for.

happy harry

Well-Known Member
I am a student doing a research projects on UPS. some of the questions I need answered are about the current climate with the union and UPS. Could some one tell me some infomation about any issues that are currently being debated and how helpfull management is or isnt. Also what are the major aspects of the collective bargaining agreement.
thanks you
Anthony Sanchez



Browncafe Steward
Another 705 troll. JMO
Hey pops, whats your problem with 705? This isnt the first time you have taken a shot at our local! I think its time you speak your mind about your problems with 705 or shut your little hole for good! Everyone on here from 705 are stand up guys or gals and if they wont call your miserable :censored2: on it i will! Speak up or shut up!


Senior Member
Hey pops, whats your problem with 705? This isnt the first time you have taken a shot at our local! I think its time you speak your mind about your problems with 705 or shut your little hole for good! Everyone on here from 705 are stand up guys or gals and if they wont call your miserable :censored2: on it i will! Speak up or shut up!

He/she/it "sanchez" is a troll.
This troll placed 705 at the end of it's avatar to stir the pot. IMO
"It" got busted on this thread.
Checkout the duplicate post on the Ups Discussion thread.
"Tony" is being validated by the anon poster bIGwHEEL, basically having a conversation with itself.
Ten dollars to a donut, they are the same entity.
If you and and OPD have a feud going on, that's Cool, just do not let a punk be the one to light the fuse on your firecracker.


Browncafe Steward
He/she/it "sanchez" is a troll.
This troll placed 705 at the end of it's avatar to stir the pot. IMO
"It" got busted on this thread.
Checkout the duplicate post on the Ups Discussion thread.
"Tony" is being validated by the anon poster bIGwHEEL, basically having a conversation with itself.
Ten dollars to a donut, they are the same entity.
If you and and OPD have a feud going on, that's Cool, just do not let a punk be the one to light the fuse on your firecracker.

This place is slowly turning into teamster net.

Red your response was an overkill.
This mope has bad rapped 705 in the past and i have let it pass before and i agree that this thread was started by a troll, but old man pops here had to call them a 705 troll. Of course he wont answer my questions he would rather run in circles.

Tie im not here to keep you happy and to be honest i dont care how you fell, if you dont like what i have said to someone without mentioning you in doing so mind your own business!


This mope has bad rapped 705 in the past and i have let it pass before and i agree that this thread was started by a troll, but old man pops here had to call them a 705 troll. Of course he wont answer my questions he would rather run in circles.

Tie im not here to keep you happy and to be honest i dont care how you fell, if you dont like what i have said to someone without mentioning you in doing so mind your own business!

the original poster had 705 in his name. Olddriver made a beniegh comment about it. Certainly did not deserve such a harsh response from you. Sorry you found my response so offensive but its typical. you expect management to sugercoat everything while its ok for your side to go off the deep end. you've have cosigned on too many posts for you to ever tell anyone else to mind their own business.


He who is not with us, is against us.
the original poster had 705 in his name. Olddriver made a beniegh comment about it. Certainly did not deserve such a harsh response from you. Sorry you found my response so offensive but its typical. you expect management to sugercoat everything while its ok for your side to go off the deep end. you've have cosigned on too many posts for you to ever tell anyone else to mind their own business.
Wow, I can't believe this guy even knows how to KNOT a tie! Let me grade this post:

(No capitalization)the original poster had 705 in his name. Olddriver made a (Misspelled benign....I think that's what this word is, never seen it spelled this poorly)beniegh comment about it. Certainly did not deserve such a harsh response from you. Sorry you found my response so offensive but its typical. (No capitalization)you expect management to sugercoat everything while its ok for your side to go off the deep end. (No capitalization, AND he's saying you have have here. Guess he was either drinking or is not familiar with the concept of proof reading before he hits the "Submit Reply" button.)you've have cosigned on too many posts for you to ever tell anyone else to mind their own business.

Final grade: friend+


Browncafe Steward
the original poster had 705 in his name. Olddriver made a beniegh comment about it. Certainly did not deserve such a harsh response from you. Sorry you found my response so offensive but its typical. you expect management to sugercoat everything while its ok for your side to go off the deep end. you've have cosigned on too many posts for you to ever tell anyone else to mind their own business.
I asked him what his problem was with 705 and either to put up or shut up! If you consider that to be harsh you better never bring your sensitive rear end to chicago, because that would be the nicest conversation you would ever have with a union steward. This guy has bad mouth my local before without just cause and refuses to answer it, why not just ask him to respond instead of thinking you need to stand up for everyone or putting your nose were it doesnt belong. Just because your a manager does not mean that we need to see you post under every thread, believe it or not your input is not wanted on every topic!

Old are you going to answer the question or will you let management fight this fight for you?


golden ticket member

I'm glad you work at UPS and aren't in charge of proofreading books at a publishing house.



I'm glad you work at UPS and aren't in charge of proofreading books at a publishing house.

eye nowe half heem messmorerised Thisse hasse bean fuhn. tha more spellin airors I puurposely mhake tha moore xcited hee gits Hee shoold half a grate tiime wit theese onne
hee iss in lof wit mee. dos west pa heelbeelies ware da moddels four deeliverance


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Every once in a while some of us need a reminder...

Please adhere to the terms of service.

Here are a couple of paragraphs:

Discussion can be animated, which is fine, but we do not welcome personal attacks, on- or off-site. It is inappropriate to say anything on a discussion forum about any individual or entity that you would not be prepared to say to them face-to-face.

It is fine to disagree with a different viewpoint, but please limit this to challenging the idea and not make your comments a personal challenge or make derogatory personal comments about individuals, their ideas or their situation. The latter is considered to be a flame and will not be tolerated.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.


He who is not with us, is against us.
eye nowe half heem messmorerised Thisse hasse bean fuhn. tha more spellin airors I puurposely mhake tha moore xcited hee gits Hee shoold half a grate tiime wit theese onne
hee iss in lof wit mee. dos west pa heelbeelies ware da moddels four deeliverance
Interesting how the gestapo moderators came in and deleted or edited any and all critical comments that I made of this tool, but were much more forgiving of his like statements. I can see now that this board is moderated (ruled) by "friends" of the company and truely is NOT an open and fair forum.


Interesting how the gestapo moderators came in and deleted or edited any and all critical comments that I made of this tool, but were much more forgiving of his like statements. I can see now that this board is moderated (ruled) by "friends" of the company and truely is NOT an open and fair forum.

hmmm? Paranoid whining?

theres this west (by god) pa fella who goes home to his momma and says momma everyone hates me. Momma says why do you say that? Pa fella says I don't know you stupid ugly :censored2:.

Why did the west (by god) pa guy squat when he peed.

answer to protect his rear end from his daddy.
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