Raise in new contract


Well-Known Member
We need to be paid according to the profits our labor produces. Talk to people who work similar blue collar jobs and you will find out how little we make. Most Metro bus drivers, train operators, welders, etc I know in the MD/VA/DC area make 150-200k with ot….Firefighters in MOCO are making 250k easy….Federal Police officers -175-225k we need $$$$.
I think you just need to move you live in a place that does not have any kind of reality anywhere near Washington DC is insanity.


Well-Known Member
My cousins girl works a security job at DOE and gets $52 an hour….she thought we made more and laughted when she heard 42/he.

Mr. Marshall

Well-Known Member
We need to be paid according to the profits our labor produces. Talk to people who work similar blue collar jobs and you will find out how little we make. Most Metro bus drivers, train operators, welders, etc I know in the MD/VA/DC area make 150-200k with ot….Firefighters in MOCO are making 250k easy….Federal Police officers -175-225k we need $$$$.
You are still making up numbers :)


Well-Known Member
My best guess is somewhere between 6 and $7 an hour over the life of the contract
But what do I know?
They just have never paid over a buck and it’s always the .70, .75, .80, .90, and 1.00 song and dance…we should be getting 1.50 an hour and that’s probably the lowest I would want to see. They have had multiple “cost neutral” contracts in the past so some of the bean counters are going to have coronaries when O’Brien shows the company financial wants.
They just have never paid over a buck and it’s always the .70, .75, .80, .90, and 1.00 song and dance…we should be getting 1.50 an hour and that’s probably the lowest I would want to see. They have had multiple “cost neutral” contracts in the past so some of the bean counters are going to have coronaries when O’Brien shows the company financial wants.
Definitely no 70 cents an hour this time