Raise in new contract


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
They just have never paid over a buck and it’s always the .70, .75, .80, .90, and 1.00 song and dance…we should be getting 1.50 an hour and that’s probably the lowest I would want to see. They have had multiple “cost neutral” contracts in the past so some of the bean counters are going to have coronaries when O’Brien shows the company financial wants.
They’re gonna have to suck it up because no way does this contract pass without getting us over $50 an hour.

Pullman Brown

Well-Known Member
I'm never one to be greedy, but the company got more than a 150% raise with the pandemic and inflation. That wouldn't bother me so much if we were treated appropriately during that time...we weren't. Then the BS they've pulled this year since peak, :censored2: these guys.

I don't think I deserve 150% or anything crazy, I'd be content with $7/hr over the life of the contract with substantial HWP contributions, but I'm not sure I'm going for anything less than $3/hr wage increase Aug 1. I'll look at the whole contract, of course, but that's where I've settled my starting point.

Let’s not forget that in many buildings across the country they have made that profit by forcing drivers in six-days a week! Disgraceful!
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