REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!



Talk about koolaid. Our government prints money all the time. Remember the bush years. He took over with a national debt of $5.7 trillion and left it at $10.7 trillion. AND THAT WAS DURING AN ECONOMY THAT WAS NOT IN RECESSION. He had to print all that money and have the chinese buy those treasury bonds to back it in order to hand out those huge tax cuts to the wealthy. he had to print more money to pay for those wars of choice.
As for the economy going back into recession, why do you say that. Private sector is creating jobs, health care costs are no longer through the roof, consumer confidence is up, housing is finally climbing out of its hole, etc. You might be confusing what has happened in europe for those electing to follow the repub play book of AUSTERITY NOW AUSTERITY FOREVER!!

Really? do your research first before you post...ever heard of the bubble that burst and 9/11...were you born yet? that triggered a recession. So you might be confused with US history...and think your boy Clinton for starting the housing bubble...i was not a fan of Bush, but you can't be posting lies.


Staff member
Really? do your research first before you post...ever heard of the bubble that burst and 9/11...were you born yet? that triggered a recession. So you might be confused with US history...and think your boy Clinton for starting the housing bubble...i was not a fan of Bush, but you can't be posting lies.
Well you can't think government pull back is the only action to be taken. Europe's recent history proves that.


Staff member
Debunking The Obama Spin On Auto Bailouts
and this is why, the dirty secret

So here comes the kicker. Who besides the federal government was going to loan the money? The link talks about government guarantees. Does that mean a private equity firm gets to take profits with no risk? Because in 09the nobody was willing to loan the money, were they? I mean a company like Bain had everyting to lose. It was the government in an attempt to save the industry that had something to gain. By definition, private equity would be only about the profit, not about the industry.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
From what I understand the govt would loan the money, restructure the company, and guarantee the warranties. Get rid of the pay for no work scenario, and get it leaner. Such as attrition, as many companies do. UBS is doing it now, and the stock went up today, on that word, I heard on the news. Ps Not fox, a local yocal abc radio station. You cannot pay someone not to work in a job bank. For those days, weeks, months there is a thing called unemployment.


Staff member
So...what is it about the bailout that conservatives find objectionable? All of the above was done. The bit with Fiat and Chrysler? Chrysler is finally putting out some fantastic cars.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

""The newspaper acknowledged it was not a shoo-in for a CONSERVATIVE-LEANING PAPERto endorse Romney because many in Detroit support Obama's auto bailout, but the paper wrote that while "Obama came into office in 2009 riding a wave of hope and change," he has unfortunately "not delivered on the nation's yearning for change nor on the specific promises he made to fix what is broken."""

From your link..

they were going to endorse romney anyways...

No news there.




golden ticket member
""The newspaper acknowledged it was not a shoo-in for a CONSERVATIVE-LEANING PAPERto endorse Romney because many in Detroit support Obama's auto bailout, but the paper wrote that while "Obama came into office in 2009 riding a wave of hope and change," he has unfortunately "not delivered on the nation's yearning for change nor on the specific promises he made to fix what is broken."""

From your link..

they were going to endorse romney anyways...

No news there.


No, where the news that Obama really wanted that enorsement from the Des Moines Register........He woud've liked that one!! You snooze, you lose!!


Well-Known Member
A business boarded up for the oncoming storm Monday.


Strength through joy
Not likely .
Romney's poll numbers are rising while bhos' remain flat .

Mitt Romney was at or above 50 percent among likely voters for 14 consecutive days.
No candidate above 50 percent at this point has ever lost the presidential race.


golden ticket member
It's no secret, I would be terribly disappointed to not see Mooch dragged out of the White House, kicking & screaming!!!!


Well-Known Member
kicking and screaming asking, "do we still get paid vacations?"

Unfortunately with a pension of over 190,000 a year for four years of bad results--the answer is yes.

Politicians cry about how evil Corporations are ---most of us work hard MANY MANY years for a pension. Politicians --one term --great pensions ???????


Unfortunately with a pension of over 190,000 a year for four years of bad results--the answer is yes.

Politicians cry about how evil Corporations are ---most of us work hard MANY MANY years for a pension. Politicians --one term --great pensions ???????

Thats why you make your own retirement...dont rely on just your pension.