Upon reflection, he may have said "turn the economy around", but he hasn't done that either.
804 Brown is correct. OBAMA made the prediction BEFORE the took office to cut teh deficit in half, but he had NO WAY of knowing that the entire banking system was about to collapse and need federal money to save it increasing the deficit. Remember, BUSH and Karl Rove were telling americans everything was FINE "nothing to see here" when in fact all they did was kick the can down the road with TARP 1 and push the collapse into OBAMAs term.
Secondly, OBAMA was very CLEAR on the economy from the start.
He said "things will get alot worse before they get better".... they did. Once in office, the president was able to be briefed on all that was going on in the country. That information crashed as he was taking over the white house and unemployment rose to 10.2%.
Since, he passed a stimulus bill that brought unemployment back down to 8% from 10.2% and private industry grew in every month since.
Stopping the job losses that BUSH was increasing in two straight years was priority 1 for OBAMA. Spending goverment money to do so was the only solution at the time ( romney agreed) and that added to the deficit.
Americans who understand the reality of the country accept this as the legitimate reason to increase debt.
Unlike BUSH, who started two wars that were unnecessary that cost trillions and lost over 7000 american lives driving up the deficit.
As for results, you are getting results. The 3rd quarter of 2012 just came in at 2% growth. There goes the FOX news right wing position of a double dip in 2012.
The electoral college doesnt look good for Romney and its going to be tough for him to win state by state. Ohio, Iowa, Wis and Penn will be the firewall that stops Romney in his tracks.
Obama will win the presidency early in the evening.