REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!


Staff member
NO HE HASNT. ROMNEY has never said a definite time period for balancing the budget. RYAN has however said that in his budget plan, the budget will balance somewhere near 2040. Until then, he intends to add to the deficit but at a lower percentage of GDP.

Thats a fact.


Obama said he'd halve the deficit in one term.

That's a fact.


Well-Known Member
and, that's a lie !!!

Not a lie. He said this in early 2009. He said they would half the deficit in 5 years. It was doable because cbo projections by march 2009 had the deficit topping out at $1.8 trillion so getting it down to half of that was doable. Remember obama walked into a $1.3 trillion deficit on jan 20th. The jobs picture continued at 800k lost a month (which adds to the deficit because of less taxes being paid and more unemployment money going out), add the auto rescue and the stimulus . Plus you have to take into consideration all these projections allowed for the bush tax cuts to expire (they are still around). So by the fifth year of his term, next oct 2013 we shall actually see if his projection or promise was accurate. But a "lie", please!!


Staff member
Not a lie. He said this in early 2009. He said they would half the deficit in 5 years. It was doable because cbo projections by march 2009 had the deficit topping out at $1.8 trillion so getting it down to half of that was doable. Remember obama walked into a $1.3 trillion deficit on jan 20th. The jobs picture continued at 800k lost a month (which adds to the deficit because of less taxes being paid and more unemployment money going out), add the auto rescue and the stimulus . Plus you have to take into consideration all these projections allowed for the bush tax cuts to expire (they are still around). So by the fifth year of his term, next oct 2013 we shall actually see if his projection or promise was accurate. But a "lie", please!!
He promised he would halve the deficit in his first term. Not in five years, you just made that up! He said (loosely quoted) "If I can't halve the deficit in 3 years, this will be a one term proposition".

Now I wouldn't call it a lie either. He was just (and still is) a naive candidate with zero experience.

And then you go on to give him a list of excuses. The American public does not want excuses, we want results.


Staff member
He promised he would halve the deficit in his first term. Not in five years, you just made that up! He said (loosely quoted) "If I can't halve the deficit in 3 years, this will be a one term proposition".

Now I wouldn't call it a lie either. He was just (and still is) a naive candidate with zero experience.

And then you go on to give him a list of excuses. The American public does not want excuses, we want results.
Upon reflection, he may have said "turn the economy around", but he hasn't done that either.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Upon reflection, he may have said "turn the economy around", but he hasn't done that either.

804 Brown is correct. OBAMA made the prediction BEFORE the took office to cut teh deficit in half, but he had NO WAY of knowing that the entire banking system was about to collapse and need federal money to save it increasing the deficit. Remember, BUSH and Karl Rove were telling americans everything was FINE "nothing to see here" when in fact all they did was kick the can down the road with TARP 1 and push the collapse into OBAMAs term.

Secondly, OBAMA was very CLEAR on the economy from the start.

He said "things will get alot worse before they get better".... they did. Once in office, the president was able to be briefed on all that was going on in the country. That information crashed as he was taking over the white house and unemployment rose to 10.2%.

Since, he passed a stimulus bill that brought unemployment back down to 8% from 10.2% and private industry grew in every month since.

Stopping the job losses that BUSH was increasing in two straight years was priority 1 for OBAMA. Spending goverment money to do so was the only solution at the time ( romney agreed) and that added to the deficit.

Americans who understand the reality of the country accept this as the legitimate reason to increase debt.

Unlike BUSH, who started two wars that were unnecessary that cost trillions and lost over 7000 american lives driving up the deficit.

As for results, you are getting results. The 3rd quarter of 2012 just came in at 2% growth. There goes the FOX news right wing position of a double dip in 2012.

The electoral college doesnt look good for Romney and its going to be tough for him to win state by state. Ohio, Iowa, Wis and Penn will be the firewall that stops Romney in his tracks.

Obama will win the presidency early in the evening.




Well-Known Member
He promised he would halve the deficit in his first term. Not in five years, you just made that up! He said (loosely quoted) "If I can't halve the deficit in 3 years, this will be a one term proposition".

Now I wouldn't call it a lie either. He was just (and still is) a naive candidate with zero experience.

And then you go on to give him a list of excuses. The American public does not want excuses, we want results.

Obama News Conference 3/24/09 - Part 1 - YouTube
In this newsconference obama says in 5 years. i guess he is thinking that would be his 4th budget since bush's numbers (fiscal year 2009 actually started on oct 1st 2008) go through sept 2009. So i guess i didnt "make that up".

But you all give him absolutlely no credit for doing all he did . As "naive" and with "zero experience" as he was, he stopped the economy from going over the edge. Like it or not the $800 billion stimulus worked for what is was supposed to do. Add necessary money flowing into the economy since the private sector was contracting!!Do you actually know what that means when an economy contracts?? This was not your average recession. This was a recession started in dec 2007 that turned into a financial panic in sept/oct 2008 when wall st collapsed!! Even a supply sider like bush and paulsen had to use a keynesian method of government spending!! Oh dear!!

On the results, we have seen the results. By june of 2009 our economy was actually growing. Jobs lagged, but we had positive growth. And ,many months of positive private sector jobs numbers. The only factor slowing the recovery had been the austerity at the state and local level. They can be guilty of underestimating the severity of this crisis (only $800 billion in stimulus was about half of what was needed) since $2 trillion in private spending had dried up!! But wait the repubs in the house (von ryans express) tried to pass their OWN stimulus of $700 billion too. Since they were in the minority, it failed. It was $700 billion in MORE tax cuts...surprise. Another bold and innovative idea!!


Well-Known Member
A majority in the house has already made it worse. Stopped any real jobs bill from happening. But then again that was their plan all along: allow the economy to scream through 2012 and hope the american people will blame obama. Plus with repub governors and state legislatures, our economy was never able to get back on its feet: they cut cut cut pushing their sick austerity bullsh!#. It s doing wonders for europe right?? In every recession since ww2 when the private sector stopped investing, it was government that lead the way to stimulate growth especially at the state and local level. Not this time because repubs controlled lots of state houses!! So blame your own party for the slow growth. We are living under their polices still. Bush tax cuts are still in place. Dodd-frank still not implemented. Austerity still reigns free nationwide.
----- Hmmm, ask governor Scott Walker about job growth----We need to continue his plan in other Dem states to help with more jobs....:)


Obama News Conference 3/24/09 - Part 1 - YouTube
In this newsconference obama says in 5 years. i guess he is thinking that would be his 4th budget since bush's numbers (fiscal year 2009 actually started on oct 1st 2008) go through sept 2009. So i guess i didnt "make that up".

But you all give him absolutlely no credit for doing all he did . As "naive" and with "zero experience" as he was, he stopped the economy from going over the edge. Like it or not the $800 billion stimulus worked for what is was supposed to do. Add necessary money flowing into the economy since the private sector was contracting!!Do you actually know what that means when an economy contracts?? This was not your average recession. This was a recession started in dec 2007 that turned into a financial panic in sept/oct 2008 when wall st collapsed!! Even a supply sider like bush and paulsen had to use a keynesian method of government spending!! Oh dear!!

On the results, we have seen the results. By june of 2009 our economy was actually growing. Jobs lagged, but we had positive growth. And ,many months of positive private sector jobs numbers. The only factor slowing the recovery had been the austerity at the state and local level. They can be guilty of underestimating the severity of this crisis (only $800 billion in stimulus was about half of what was needed) since $2 trillion in private spending had dried up!! But wait the repubs in the house (von ryans express) tried to pass their OWN stimulus of $700 billion too. Since they were in the minority, it failed. It was $700 billion in MORE tax cuts...surprise. Another bold and innovative idea!!

Who said he saved us? We have no idea how bad things would have got. This so called recovery has been fueled by the government printing money and throwing it into the market so what are you talking about...the economy has grown slower than last year and last year slower than the year before. About to go into a double dip recession is not better. stop drinking the kool-aid brother

Lue C Fur

Evil member
This is interesting:

Government spending’s misleading impact on GDP

On Oct. 26, the Bureau of Economic Analysis’ advance estimate of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the 3rd quarter (Q3) of 2012 showed 2 percent growth — not really a good number.
Just to get to the 3 percent annual growth rate the Obama Administration had originally forecast at the beginning of the year, the economy would have to grow at an annualized pace of 6.7 percent in the fourth quarter — something not likely to happen.
In fact, the numbers look even worse upon examining the fine print, because 20 percent of the nominal increase in GDP was attributable to increased government spending. If government spending had held steady, as it had the prior two quarters, growth would have only come in at a reported 1.6 percent.

Read more at NetRight Daily Government spending’s misleading impact on GDP


Well-Known Member
Who said he saved us? We have no idea how bad things would have got. This so called recovery has been fueled by the government printing money and throwing it into the market so what are you talking about...the economy has grown slower than last year and last year slower than the year before. About to go into a double dip recession is not better. stop drinking the kool-aid brother

Talk about koolaid. Our government prints money all the time. Remember the bush years. He took over with a national debt of $5.7 trillion and left it at $10.7 trillion. AND THAT WAS DURING AN ECONOMY THAT WAS NOT IN RECESSION. He had to print all that money and have the chinese buy those treasury bonds to back it in order to hand out those huge tax cuts to the wealthy. he had to print more money to pay for those wars of choice.
As for the economy going back into recession, why do you say that. Private sector is creating jobs, health care costs are no longer through the roof, consumer confidence is up, housing is finally climbing out of its hole, etc. You might be confusing what has happened in europe for those electing to follow the repub play book of AUSTERITY NOW AUSTERITY FOREVER!!


Well-Known Member
I think the only people who thought obama was not smart enough was the fox holes (its what you get when you mix a fix and an

You just claimed he was not smart enough to know what was going on so are you a fox hole also? Like it or not things are worse now than they were before he took office.