I have read so many of these CSPF post that has misinformation I just have to post. I will state how the current UPS contract reads and how the CSPF letter effects our benefits.
There are so many people that think this Central States pension payment buy out of billions of dollars funded our pension payments FOR LIFE. This is so misleading. It does NOT. The UPS Pension buy out (Employees working after Jan 2007) only guarantees the premium full pension that we will receive until normal retirement age (age 65).
Here are the FACTS that support my statement:
A. In the Master UPS Contract book, Teamsters Central Region Supplement, page 216. Article 14, paragraph 2. It states what "Normal Retirement Age" (Age 65) is. This sets up the next Article to help explain it's content.
B. Same contract, same supplement, same article, page 218 and 219. It states UPS/IBT will recognize full time service in the CS Plan for determining eligibility for the benefits in this section and will offset at Normal Retirement Age the benefits accrued from the CS Plan commencing at Normal Retirement Age. If the benefit paid from the CS Plan is reduced as permitted or required by law, the amount of such reduction shall not be included in this offset.
(Folks this is what is written in our contract book, our supplemental that was voted in. Still not convinced.........read on)
I just had to find out for myself if what I read was true and here is what I did. I challenge ANY ACTIVE UPS EMPLOYEE to do this. Log onto UPSers.com. Go to the "My Life and Career" page (paycheck viewing page), Look at the "MY MONEY" column, Click onto "Retirement and Savings". Log into this page. It lets you calculate YOUR pension for years to come. Now, put in any end of work day and start pension payments date. You can run 3 calculations on a page. Example: your last day of work is October 31, 2015 and you want your pension to start paying November 1st, 2015. See the results? Now use the SAME said month and days, ONLY CHANGE THE YEARS one year at a time until you calculate your pension until the age of 70.
By doing this, you will see the UPS guaranteed pension pays you in full what they promised until age 65. But at age 65 (Normal Retirement Age) you now have two columns with a UPS amount that you will receive, and the CS Pension amount (this is the amount that's to be cut that was given to you in this latest CSPF letter). Now, you will see that from age 65 until age 70, the UPS paid portion of the pension continues to increase..........but the CS Pension payout stays the same (in which has been cut to the new stated amount from said CSPF letter.)
NO, I'm not saying work till age 70. I'm only using the pension estimator to demonstrate what the contract is stating in writing. So,we active employees are screwed too! Only we get to wait a little longer for the shaft. At least UPS workers can adjust their lifestyles a bit to get ready for their futures.