Ok I will. .....You fear change. You fear people who no longer feel the need to be told from the pulpit what to do, where to sit, how to act, who to love, what to believe . It's like what I tell the Jehova Witnesses and Morman's when they arrive. "You have a constitutional right to embrace your faith. What you don't have is a constitutional right to come onto my property unannounced and uninvited and attempt to forcibly impose your religious views on the occupants of my household for no other reason than to ensure your compliance with the rules and disciplines of your religion. I'm sure that you will find other locations that are receptive to this type of behavior but here is not one of them".
Only time I’ve ever talked to one of those door to door folks I was a complete

and regret it. I was at a friends house and we were drinking on the porch. The little chri

s walk up and offer to clean up cigarette butts and do some yard work for him. I mustered my most effeminate voice to really broadcast to them I was gay and told them god ain’t real and they need to

off. I was probably like 16-17. I feel bad because it upset my friend, he was a lazy

and wanted his yard cleaned.
The only thing those people do right is chicken and even then they are bigots. Bitch, I want my chicken egg bagel for lunch.