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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Ummm. That would be everybody.
Living in sin and refusing to repent, not being ashamed of it ,but trying to justifying it to please yourself and not not the same as trying to live a righteous life and sinning (which everyone does) ,having godly sorrow for sinning and asking God to forgive you because your desire is to please Him and not yourself.
Two different animals .

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real



Staff member
Living in sin and refusing to repent, not being ashamed of it ,but trying to justifying it to please yourself and not not the same as trying to live a righteous life and sinning (which everyone does) ,having godly sorrow for sinning and asking God to forgive you because your desire is to please Him and not yourself.
Two different animals .
I am pleased to see that you have your hatred for your brothers so well justified. It will come in handy when you stand before God.

No. It probably won’t.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I am pleased to see that you have your hatred for your brothers so well justified. It will come in handy when you stand before God.

No. It probably won’t.
I missed where I hate.
But I did see where you think calling sin sin is hating someone. You're confused. That won't come in handy on judgement day.

So you deny this passage is teaching homosexuality is unnatural?
You forget this?


Inordinately Right
Another dumb ass Liberal thinking their opinions are facts ... so tired of stupid friend:censored2:ing liberals.
Are you still upset I pointed out the fact that your slutty grandmothers had gonorrhea and that's why your parents were blind?

You need to learn to accept the things you cannot change, including your parents' eye STDs.

El Correcto

god is dead
I missed where I hate.
But I did see where you think calling sin sin is hating someone. You're confused. That won't come in handy on judgement day.

You forget this?
You’re funny. All it took was two memes to ruin your entire day and send you spiraling into a schizophrenic Jesus fit.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Adam and Eve children mated with each other?
Cain took his sister as his wife. Slim picks in those days. Blood was pure. No tards.
Thinks about it. If it could be done.. every person alive today could trace their roots to 8 people on a boat. The cousins married. Probably even kissed.


Inordinately Right
Cain took his sister as his wife. Slim picks in those days. Blood was pure. No tards.
Thinks about it. If it could be done.. every person alive today could trace their roots to 8 people on a boat. The cousins married. Probably even kissed.
Man, the Jews really have you fooled.
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