Fred's Myth
Nonhyphenated American
I agree that we are all children of God and entitled to the same opportunity for salvation that was brought to humanity through the Jewish race.Definitely.
Evidently, Peter and Paul could "cross" teach, (lol) . It was Peter who converted the first Gentile. It was Paul who taught Peter to make no distinction when he confronted him because he withdrew himself and would not eat with Gentiles.
The Mosaic Law was nailed to the cross. All are under the law of Christ.
The gospel of Christ would include "those afar off'' Gentiles.
The Apostles did not preach and teach a different doctrine of Christ based on ones history. They did address problems that came up because of those different backgrounds.
My question is more concerning the teachings of a convert as opposed to the teachings of one of Jesus’ Apostles. I sense a lot of personal beliefs in Paul’s epistles.