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Well-Known Member
Your show's theme song would probably sound pretty similar yet be profoundly different in its messaging: "Where's my money money money moneyyyyy?" as the camera zooms in on you sitting in a chair holding a bag of Doritos.
trump is not even religious and he lied about it to be popular

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Despair an unforgivable sin? nah Envy an unforgivable sin? nah Presumption unforgivable ? nah

Jesus spoke this warning after being accused of casting out demons by the power of the devil. Jesus was saying that His enemies could reject Him and His preaching and there would still be another opportunity to hear and be saved. However, if they rejected the words of the Spirit ( they are the same)there would not be another opportunity to to hear and respond in order to be saved.( resisting divine truth known to be such, a firm determination not to repent,)
Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the rejection of the Spirit’s message—the inspired word of God (John 16:13; 1 Cor. 2:11-13).
Despair, theologically speaking, means you believe things are so bad that even God can’t fix them.
Presumption believes that you can do anything, and that God will forgive you.

Pick up a book on theology.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
trump is not even religious and he lied about it to be popular

Why would that really matter to Republican voters when not worrying so much about how tight Trump is with Jesus has landed conservatives control of the Supreme Court? That's a far more practical avenue for the long-term defense of conservative values than a President who says he makes sure to say his prayers every night but doesn't have a lot to show for it.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
Is that not essentially Christianity’s raison d'être?

Look I don’t even have a issue with religious people. I’ve known few who turned their lives around because they found god. in some ways it can create stability for someone. I just think it has no place in politics.


Well-Known Member
Despair, theologically speaking, means you believe things are so bad that even God can’t fix them.
Presumption believes that you can do anything, and that God will forgive you.

Pick up a book on theology.
Trusting the finished work of Jesus on the cross, His death, burial and resurrection, believing God's record isn't good enough for most, that is exactly why the road is narrow.

@BrownFlush, get in that baptistry or wherever you religious freaks wash away those sins, that's what you are counting on.

I actually like you Fred, my best and closest friends have been and are still Catholic.
The love of my life is, the love before her was Jew/Baptist, no faith whatsoever.
The girl I married claimed faith in Jesus, it did not endue. She hates Him last I know.

No theology involved, a Savior took your place, just trust Him and thank Him. He said it was finished when he gave up the ghost. God the father is satisfied, I am as well.

It's that simple.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure exactly what a Christian nationalist is.

Christian nationalism is the belief that the American nation is defined by Christianity, and that the government should take active steps to keep it that way. Popularly, Christian nationalists assert that America is and must remain a “Christian nation”—not merely as an observation about American history, but as a prescriptive program for what America must continue to be in the future. Scholars like Samuel Huntington have made a similar argument: that America is defined by its “Anglo-Protestant” past and that we will lose our identity and our freedom if we do not preserve our cultural inheritance.

Christian nationalists do not reject the First Amendment and do not advocate for theocracy, but they do believe that Christianity should enjoy a privileged position in the public square. The term “Christian nationalism,” is relatively new, and its advocates generally do not use it of themselves, but it accurately describes American nationalists who believe American identity is inextricable from Christianity


Well-Known Member
Religion sounds pretty miserable if you cant do really anything because everything a sin
it does not say that. At the same time we are supposed to be a higher form of life and not just run around like a pack of rutting dogs.
it does not say that. At the same time we are supposed to be a higher form of life and not just run around like a pack of rutting dogs.
Can you imagine living in a world where nobody wants to lie to you or steal from you? Use you as a means to their own end? Everyone loves and serves each other?

God is great 🙂
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”
Revelation 21:4 ESV

Lord Jesus come ❤️


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”
Revelation 21:4 ESV

Lord Jesus come ❤️
Is he bringing the gummy’s?


Inordinately Right
The term “Christian nationalism,” is relatively new, and its advocates generally do not use it of themselves, but it accurately describes American nationalists who believe American identity is inextricable from Christianity.
It means nothing.

You radical left wing anti religion extremists just made it up as a pejorative to attack people you don't like.
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