Despair, theologically speaking, means you believe things are so bad that even God can’t fix them.
Presumption believes that you can do anything, and that God will forgive you.
Pick up a book on theology.
Trusting the finished work of Jesus on the cross, His death, burial and resurrection, believing God's record isn't good enough for most, that is exactly why the road is narrow.
@BrownFlush, get in that baptistry or wherever you religious freaks wash away those sins, that's what you are counting on.
I actually like you Fred, my best and closest friends have been and are still Catholic.
The love of my life is, the love before her was Jew/Baptist, no faith whatsoever.
The girl I married claimed faith in Jesus, it did not endue. She hates Him last I know.
No theology involved, a Savior took your place, just trust Him and thank Him. He said it was finished when he gave up the ghost. God the father is satisfied, I am as well.
It's that simple.