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The Bible is anti homosexual. Are you not aware?you are anti gay are you not? you seem to think the bible is only anti gay.
its hypocritical how you can hate on ppl for their sexual preferences, but not for race or whatever else on here
time to evolve
You mean Glen Greenwald who regularly appears on FOX News? He's gay by the way.i have seen it and ive heard critiques of it which is effectively state propaganda when republican party when in power
this is from @vantexan friend glen greenwalds mouth
Who are you kidding? They're all idiots.Why would she? They’re usually idiots.
In secular matters I try and avoid absolutes.Who are you kidding? They're all idiots.
Not all Christians are saved.dont gay bash
not all christians are anti gay
try some common sense
Do you absolutely avoid absolutes?In secular matters I try and avoid absolutes.
Not all gays are bashedNot all Christians are saved.
Absolutely not. Jesus is Lord, absolutely.Do you absolutely avoid absolutes?
We got work to do.Not all gays are bashed
Many ways of interpreting the bibleThe Bible is anti homosexual. Are you not aware?
No, dummy, there’s the right way and then there’s your way. It’s pretty clear, homosexuality is a sin in the Bible. The Bible isn’t equivocal.Many ways of interpreting the bible
Please stop misrepresenting the Bible. Let it be clear.Many ways of interpreting the bible
i heard otherwisePlease stop misrepresenting the Bible. Let it be clear.
Because those people turned against God, he let those bad things rule their lives. They strongly wanted to do things that they should be ashamed about. Even the women stopped having sex in a way which is proper. Instead, they began to have sex with other women, which is not proper. Also, the men stopped having sex with women. Instead, they strongly wanted to have sex with other men. Men did bad things with other men that they should be ashamed about. Because they did such wrong things, they received in their own bodies the punishment that was right.
Romans 1:26-27 EASY
Romans 1:26-27 Because those people turned against God, he let those bad things rule their lives. They strongly wanted to do things that they should be ashamed about. Even the women stopped having sex in a way which | EasyEnglish Bible 2018 (EASY) |
Because those people turned against God, he let those bad things rule their lives. They strongly wanted to do things that they should be ashamed about. Even the women stopped having sex in a way whichbible.com
You just read the word of God. Who you gonna believe?i heard otherwise
ill go with chris hedges presbyterian minister on this oneYou just read the word of God. Who you gonna believe?
Do this, because a time will come when people will not listen to God's true message. Instead, they will want to hear all kinds of new messages that will make them happy. So they will find many teachers for themselves who will tell them what they want to hear.ill go with chris hedges presbyterian minister on this one
i heard otherwise