Thank you for your reply. I appreciate your willingness to share in this way.
I do believe that corruption, oppression, greed, and the lust for power and control are attributes that lead to evil and I guess are evil in themselves.
I also believe that corporations and governments have been infected with these attributes to a very serious degree.
This being said I don’t believe in and of themselves that corporations and governments are evil but I believe they are evil to the extent that evil attributes such as these and others probably not mentioned have become the culture that permeates and dominates the corporations or governments culure.
I do believe that US politics and thus the US government and the UPS corporation culture have been permeated and dominated by evil attributes to large extent for quite some time.
What do you use as a basis for your personal decisions as to what you believe qualifies as treating people nicely?
I believe no human on the planet does everything they think they should during every moment their lifetime, if they did I believe that would make them a perfect person. This being said I believe each person at one time or another doesn’t live up to personal standards they set for themselves, let alone standards that others try to impose upon them.
What do you mean when you say “you could get out of control”?
Do you fight the evil in yourself if you think there is any inside you?
For example?
Thanks for the encouragement here.