El Correcto
god is dead
@IntegrityYou seem to be familiar with the Bible.
Not sure why but that would be for you to explain.
That being said don’t you see something inherently wrong with some of the actual Biblical texts some in the Old but some in the New as well? Just being honest here.
Just focusing on the Old. I personally am not fully reconciled in spirit about some of the behaviors and conduct of man that is ascribed to God in the Old Testament.
I am not convinced in mind and spirit that in man’s desperate attempt to understand themselves in relation to their origins, purpose, and conduct that they may have projected some of evil and atrocities inherent in their day and in themselves onto a good and loving God.
I wrestle with this at times.
No not really, the only time I pay attention to the Bible is when idiots say it’s the word of god and try to use it to justify what I see as evil. I’ll take time to understand their arguments and beliefs, I want to know the rationality behind their hatred.
I can’t even make it off the first page of the Bible without thinking what a load of

The old seeps into the new, it is still the same core ideology, just dressed up for the ”gentiles” I guess they are called.
There is no Christian god, there is only ancient dummies trying to understand reality and themselves.
I don’t wrestle with any of these concepts anymore. I only wrestle with the fallout from savages who do.