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Binge Poster
I asked you why you feel the phrase "biblical community" is cringey and cult like. Still no answer.
I did but I will try again.

I think I feel the phrase “biblical community” is cringey and cult like because I can’t help but think and feel that they are implying that the Bible is more important than the Spirit of God as He reveals the Father and the Son through a personal Spiritual relationship with Himself.

I love the written religious documents passed down through tradition in all its versions, forms, and translations
collected, compiled and printed as the Bible through faith tradition.

I love the Bible and I love you my friend.

I respect your freedom to believe as you believe.

I believe and recognize, as with all matters of God, just because I believe something to be right that doesn’t necessarily make me right, that is where my faith and my relationship with the Holy Spirit of God as He reveals the Father and Son too me and Himself sometimes (very rarely) through me.

Peace be with you.

Do you regularly attend any church services?


Inordinately Right
I think I feel the phrase “biblical community” is cringey and cult like because I can’t help but think and feel that they are implying that the Bible is more important than the Spirit of God as He reveals the Father and the Son through a personal Spiritual relationship with Himself.
Seems to me it's cults that like to ignore the bible and make up their own beliefs, twisting and picking and choosing which parts of the bible to follow.


Binge Poster
I believe this is probably true, but it can feel very cringey and cult like to me when IMO and belief individuals within institutional religion or non organized religious communities have replaced the Spirit of God with written religious tradition.

Do you believe that “the Bible” is perfect and it is God’s command for ever human being to follow each and every part of it?

You have shown that answering questions seems to be very important to you for discussion. I’d like to point out the following:

FYI Unanswered direct question:

@DriveInDriveOut ,

Do you regularly attend any church services?


Inordinately Right
I believe this is probably true, but it can feel very cringey and cult like to me when IMO and belief individuals within institutional religion or non organized religious communities have replaced the Spirit of God with written religious tradition.
I don't see how using the term 'biblical community' means anyone has replaced God with a Bible.

It seems your issue is that they're following the teachings in the Bible rather than this hippy dippy 'follow your heart do what you personally think is right' attitude that has been poisoning Christianity in modern times.
Do you believe that “the Bible” is perfect and it is God’s command for ever human being to follow each and every part of it?
When taken as a whole and in proper context, yes.


Binge Poster
I don't see how using the term 'biblical community' means anyone has replaced God with a Bible.
I understand your perspective and I respect your freedom to believe different from me and to not understand my perspective.

I believe we can disagree and not understand one another and still love one another as I believe God created all humans in His image.
It seems your issue is that they're following the teachings in the Bible rather than this hippy dippy 'follow your heart do what you personally think is right' attitude that has been poisoning Christianity in modern times.
Don’t know how you would speculate this because I didn’t say any of this . But I thank you for your perspective.

Could you please further what you mean by the modern time poisoning of Christianity?
When taken as a whole and in proper context, yes.
You say the Bible is perfect, when…

So does that mean you believe that the Bible in and of itself is not perfect?

You seem to put conditions on the Bible for it to be considered perfect.


Binge Poster
I didn't put conditions on the bible I put conditions on the person reading it.
So then are you saying that you believe “the Bible”, in and of itself is perfect and it is God’s command for ever human being to follow each and every part of it?

I perceive you making different answers, could you help me understand?


Binge Poster
Did you get the pool installed at your house yet? Still waiting for the invite for the pool party.
I have had a pool for years.

I had a breach in my retaining wall. I had to pull out the retaining wall and replace it. I wanted to limit the cost and the collateral damage to my extensive patio. It was and is a labor if love.

Not 100% done yet but approaching completion. I ran in to some challenging situations during the removal and replacement. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to devote 100% of my time to it.

Really enjoying the process and the summer.

Hope you are well.
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