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Well-Known Member
Appears whomever wrote the bible is quilty of plagiarism.

Along similar lines:

An example here is Psalm 29 which is traditionally assigned to King David, but is basically a reworked Canaanite hymn from Ugarit.

So, did this connection and continuation of Canaanite material end in with the Hebrew Bible or is this tradition (which was once held in high regards by the early Israelites) still able to shape the New Testament? I think so and I list the following:

A. Jesus never calls the deity of his Jewish nation by his personal proper name Yahweh, but simply Theos = El ("El" is Hebrew for god) . El is the same name of the supreme god of the Canaanites at Ugarit.

B. Jesus calls El “Abba” or father: (“And He was saying, "Abba! Father! All things are possible for You; remove this cup from Me; yet not what I will, but what You will." Mark 14: 36). Jesus tells his disciples to call El also “father” in the Lord’s Prayer. Baal calls his god “ab” or father too. Both divine fathers of Jesus and Baal (El, the supreme god of the Jews and the Canaanites) are fatherly figure gods who live in Heaven.

C. Jesus is called “Lord” many times by his followers in the Gospels and Jesus is identified with God in the Gospels. Likewise, God is Jesus’ heavenly father.

In the Ugaritic texts, the term b’l=baal can simply mean “Lord” or elsewhere it can be used as a proper name “Baal” where he is the title of the chief god of the Canaanites who is the son of the supreme god El.

D. Jesus descends and returns from the neither world (Hell) (For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Matt. 12:40 and “By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; I Peter 3:19) so too does Baal descend and return from the underworld.

E. Jesus stills a storm on the Sea of Galilee, so too does Baal control the wind and weather.

friend. Jesus intervenes between his followers and God his father. So too does Baal intervene between the people of Ugarit and El his father.

G. Jesus is depicted as King seated on a throne ruling his kingdom and giving righteous judgments. So too is Baal seated on his throne ruling a kingdom with righteous judgments.

H. In the Book of Revelation, Jesus fights and kills the evil serpent / dragon. So too does Baal fight and kill the twisted serpent Ugaritic “ltn btn brh” (Litanu, the serpent or Leviathan).

I. Biblical numbers such as 3, 6, 7 and 40 are used many times in the New Testament are used equally in the Ugaritic text to give divine meaning to these Canaanite texts.



Staff member
Wait just a cotton pickin minute. He said that eventually you had to "believe" that the math is correct.... that cannot be... can it? ;)
Actually I think it speaks to the limited ability for mankind to comprehend the concept of infinity in both science and religion. The "sum of all infinite integers" apparently has practical applications in physics even if it really doesn't make logical sense. The same can be said of God.


Well-Known Member
"The original Gnostics emerged as a result of interaction between Greeks and Jews in Israel in cosmopolitan Alexandria, Egypt. They also absorbed a central idea in pagan mystery religions, such as Orphism and the Hermeticsism, which declared that each individual had a portion of the divine within, giving them the potential to become god-like in a blissful hereafter.

The Gnostics sought experiential insight into the ultimate truth, called gnosis, by connecting directly with the divine and through using psychologically therapeutic rituals which would restore them to a sense of wholeness.

“The Gnostics were the first to view traditional religion as the opiate of the masses, the drug that keeps people satisfied to serve the gods and their kings as obedient slaves and vassals,” wrote April DeConick, a biblical studies professor, in The Gnostic New Age. “They were convinced that the traditional religious communities had been duped by trickster gods.”


"The Gnostic worldview was reintroduced through the revival of interest in the ancient Hermetic tradition during the Renaissance and Enlightenment. The noted literary critic Harold Bloom wrote about Gnostic tendencies in the rise of interest in alternative spiritual paths, from the Kabbalah to Mormonism in The American Religion. The depth psychologist Carl Jung had mystical experiences that caused him to recognize that human beings had spiritual potential that wasn’t acknowledged by the reductionist theories of Freud (see the lectures at and Stephan Hoeller’s The Gnostic Jung and the Seven Sermons to the Dead, which discuss striking parallels between human psychology and Gnostic mythology). Popular culture is now infused with Gnostic elements, from Dan Brown’s bestselling novel The DaVinci Code to “The Matrix” films which grossed $1.6 billion."

The Case for Christian Gnosticism: The Ultimate Heresy
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