No attempt to control. Just questioning why anyone would waste time on that which does not exist. Religion is an excellent means of controlling those open to it, as in the claim of Marx that "religion is the opiate of the masses". It explains the inexplicable, and then man (not God) uses the religion in order to control through guilt, shame, and failure to obey dictates largely created by man, not God.
Consider our President-Elect, who controls people via a religion he obviously does not follow. By claiming to be a Christian, Trump got a lot of people to vote for him. Do you really think Trump has one ounce of faith in him? Look at The Ten Commandments, and how many Trump has broken. A "man of God"". Not. Ever.
Do whatever you want and worship however you want. I just wish people would think it through and see through the charlatans that use Christianity as a tool for control, money, or both.
Jesus would be disgusted by most "Christians", particularly the Ted Cruz kind.