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Binge Poster
Birds of a feather….


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the love of money is the root of all evil - the bible

the corporate world is this.
The exact verse is for the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Being a corporation doesn't make it evil. Your actions can be evil. Requiring an employee to do work isn't evil unless they are telling you to sin or break the law.
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Well-Known Member
jesus would not support capitalism and jesus is monitoring your lies.
So you're telling me Jesus would prefer an unsustainable economic system that ends up giving most people misery over a system that allows most people to make a living and at least get by? You think it's unfair that your boss sits in a nice office, making a lot more than you, while you work harder physically. He has a nicer home, nicer car, nicer toys. You think you should make as much, have all the nice things. For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. You're willing to destroy the system and make untold millions desperate because you can't have nice things. The problem isn't the system Ricky, it's those who want everything without working for them. That boss put in the time for his education. He may have been working full-time while in school. If he's the owner of the company he risked his wealth and reputation to get that company up and running and make it successful. By the time you came along he had spent decades doing his best to keep it going. But you think you're entitled to everything without the effort and risk he put in. People like him give people like you jobs. If you want more then spend decades working hard, taking risks, do like he did. The Apostle Paul said whatever situation he found himself in he was content with what he had. That's a lesson that took me a long time to learn. I hate the exploitive nature of some companies. But my life isn't going to be better because I kept up with the Jones all these years. It's just a different set of headaches. You'd be better served getting yourself a woman who loves you. If not then get a dog and put your energy into making it happy. You'll find a lot more contentment in giving love than raging against the machine. But you do you.


Well-Known Member
So you're telling me Jesus would prefer an unsustainable economic system that ends up giving most people misery over a system that allows most people to make a living and at least get by? You think it's unfair that your boss sits in a nice office, making a lot more than you, while you work harder physically. He has a nicer home, nicer car, nicer toys. You think you should make as much, have all the nice things. For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. You're willing to destroy the system and make untold millions desperate because you can't have nice things. The problem isn't the system Ricky, it's those who want everything without working for them. That boss put in the time for his education. He may have been working full-time while in school. If he's the owner of the company he risked his wealth and reputation to get that company up and running and make it successful. By the time you came along he had spent decades doing his best to keep it going. But you think you're entitled to everything without the effort and risk he put in. People like him give people like you jobs. If you want more then spend decades working hard, taking risks, do like he did. The Apostle Paul said whatever situation he found himself in he was content with what he had. That's a lesson that took me a long time to learn. I hate the exploitive nature of some companies. But my life isn't going to be better because I kept up with the Jones all these years. It's just a different set of headaches. You'd be better served getting yourself a woman who loves you. If not then get a dog and put your energy into making it happy. You'll find a lot more contentment in giving love than raging against the machine. But you do you.
jesus was not a capitalist and he would not support it

he would support any economic system which doesnt treat workers satanicly. he would be looking for it and giving ideas about it. and its out there.

the love of money is the root of all evil. so by definition jesus would be against corporations since their number 1 goal is money.

jesus raged against hte machine. ive heard it from jim walls and from chris hedges that jesus was a radical.

you know whats fair? its fair if 2 people are equal co-owners in a company. or 3 people are equal co -owners. or 4 people are equal co owners. 1 person 1 vote. that is less likely to lead to satanic outcomes than an employee employer relationship. if an owner as you say depends on employees, then the owner is the dependent one, not the employees. employees can create their own jobs; they dont depend on the employers for jobs. walmart depends on its workers. its not a co-dependent relationship.


Well-Known Member
The exact verse is for the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Being a corporation doesn't make it evil. Your actions can be evil. Requiring an employee to do work isn't evil unless they are telling you to sin or break the law.
corporations are evil because they love money first and foremost as you know.


Well-Known Member
corporations are evil because they love money first and foremost as you know.
Corporations are just businesses that have incorporated for tax purposes. That's not just big companies that trade their stock publicly. What's evil is what a specific company does that's evil. For example, rather than go through what's necessary to expensively dispose toxic waste some companies have dumped their waste secretly, causing huge health problems and deaths as the waste got into the aquifer. That's evil. But not all corporations are evil for just being corporations. You need to realize the difference.


Well-Known Member
jesus was not a capitalist and he would not support it

he would support any economic system which doesnt treat workers satanicly. he would be looking for it and giving ideas about it. and its out there.

the love of money is the root of all evil. so by definition jesus would be against corporations since their number 1 goal is money.

jesus raged against hte machine. ive heard it from jim walls and from chris hedges that jesus was a radical.

you know whats fair? its fair if 2 people are equal co-owners in a company. or 3 people are equal co -owners. or 4 people are equal co owners. 1 person 1 vote. that is less likely to lead to satanic outcomes than an employee employer relationship. if an owner as you say depends on employees, then the owner is the dependent one, not the employees. employees can create their own jobs; they dont depend on the employers for jobs. walmart depends on its workers. its not a co-dependent relationship.
Then by all means start your own business. And making money isn't evil. Making money provides jobs. You say Wal-Mart ought to have workers who are co-owners. Well then which owner works as a cashier and which owner drives a semi and which owner does the accounting? Under your system the cashier makes as much as the guy who learned how to drive a truck and the guy who got a masters in accounting. You don't bring all the cashiers and stock clerks up in pay to equal the accountant's. There's not enough money to do that. What you would end up with is the bulk of the employees, the cashiers and stock clerks, getting a little more, while the fewer skilled employees would see their pay cut so that everyone is an equal co-owner. You know what would happen then? The truck driver would look for better pay elsewhere. The accountant who spent a lot of money on his education in order to have a better life would leave too. If there was nowhere to go to for better pay because everybody everywhere is equal then why go to college for a degree when you can be a stock clerk for the same money? Under your system everything falls apart.

"60 Minutes" did a segment on socialized healthcare awhile back. They were showing in places like England they had a shortage of doctors and nurses because their socialized medicine didn't pay well. You know how they were handling it? Going to other countries that speak English like South Africa and the Philippines to recruit. Sounds great, right? It was leaving those countries with a shortage of healthcare workers. So the rich countries benefited, the poor countries suffered. Trying to get it through to you that you think there are easy fixes for all of this but people's greed gets in the way. What the communists did was force people into substandard, harsh conditions in order for everything to be fair and just. Yet the leadership still lived well. There is no perfect system but of all of them none has lifted more people out of poverty than capitalism. And that is what Jesus would want. Jesus never promised we'd all be rich on Earth as Christians or everything would be fair. But in our system if you work you can keep the lights on, feed yourself, put a roof over your head and clothes on your back. If you want more than that then strive to do better. Because there is no system that will give you everything you want and be sustainable. The Greeks tried that and failed. The Russians tried that and failed. The Chinese were failing so bad that they gave capitalism a chance as long as their Communist Party had ultimate authority. They were doing well but the communist side of it has messed things up so badly they are starting to fail. Learn from their mistakes and you may develop an appreciation for capitalism.


Binge Poster
Corporations are just businesses that have incorporated for tax purposes. That's not just big companies that trade their stock publicly. What's evil is what a specific company does that's evil. For example, rather than go through what's necessary to expensively dispose toxic waste some companies have dumped their waste secretly, causing huge health problems and deaths as the waste got into the aquifer. That's evil. But not all corporations are evil for just being corporations. You need to realize the difference.
UPS is an evil corporation, no?


Well-Known Member
You tell me, I don't work for them. Are they intrinsically evil in your opinion?
Yes. theres worse. walmart comes to mind.
Then by all means start your own business. And making money isn't evil. Making money provides jobs. You say Wal-Mart ought to have workers who are co-owners. Well then which owner works as a cashier and which owner drives a semi and which owner does the accounting? Under your system the cashier makes as much as the guy who learned how to drive a truck and the guy who got a masters in accounting. You don't bring all the cashiers and stock clerks up in pay to equal the accountant's. There's not enough money to do that. What you would end up with is the bulk of the employees, the cashiers and stock clerks, getting a little more, while the fewer skilled employees would see their pay cut so that everyone is an equal co-owner. You know what would happen then? The truck driver would look for better pay elsewhere. The accountant who spent a lot of money on his education in order to have a better life would leave too. If there was nowhere to go to for better pay because everybody everywhere is equal then why go to college for a degree when you can be a stock clerk for the same money? Under your system everything falls apart.

"60 Minutes" did a segment on socialized healthcare awhile back. They were showing in places like England they had a shortage of doctors and nurses because their socialized medicine didn't pay well. You know how they were handling it? Going to other countries that speak English like South Africa and the Philippines to recruit. Sounds great, right? It was leaving those countries with a shortage of healthcare workers. So the rich countries benefited, the poor countries suffered. Trying to get it through to you that you think there are easy fixes for all of this but people's greed gets in the way. What the communists did was force people into substandard, harsh conditions in order for everything to be fair and just. Yet the leadership still lived well. There is no perfect system but of all of them none has lifted more people out of poverty than capitalism. And that is what Jesus would want. Jesus never promised we'd all be rich on Earth as Christians or everything would be fair. But in our system if you work you can keep the lights on, feed yourself, put a roof over your head and clothes on your back. If you want more than that then strive to do better. Because there is no system that will give you everything you want and be sustainable. The Greeks tried that and failed. The Russians tried that and failed. The Chinese were failing so bad that they gave capitalism a chance as long as their Communist Party had ultimate authority. They were doing well but the communist side of it has messed things up so badly they are starting to fail. Learn from their mistakes and you may develop an appreciation for capitalism.
if the workers get bored of their job they could rotate. and i doubt it would be equal pay. the pay would be higher because theyre owners. but thats besides the point, the point is walmart as you know depends on workers to function. if it didnt have workers and it was just the owners, the profits would fall.

thats why i dont use the MSM for "news". america has a shortage of healthcare workers as well. jesus would not defend capitalism; it doesnt pass the bar. the Italians tried that (a system of co owners) and succeeded, not failed.
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