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Well-Known Member
Disagree. Look around the evidence of creation is everywhere.
The battle isn't creation or evolution. The battle is the recognition and acceptance of God.
When a gene mutates it produces an alternative form of the structure or condition it produced before. When a gene for a wing form mutates it produces another wing form, and not an eye color. If we evolved from protozoa (one-celled organisms), where along the way did we get genes which produce bones, blood, and teeth, for protozoa do not have these?
As more and more work is done on how the DNA in every cell works in replication, that point becomes an even larger obstacle for the evolutionary explanation of all life forms being the results of mutations from a single-celled organism.
Beyond the problems that are evident to the honest searcher with mutations to account for all present varieties of life, there is a mathematical problem with the time necessary for the process as @El Correcto recognized. Let's give it 10 billion years and even at that, mathematical models have shown that even the time speculated would not provide enough time for the number of mutations which would have to be made to result in the present life forms even IF (never happened)we all started from a single-celled organism.
I agree with the points you make. This is exactly what Safarti explains in his books. He claims it makes more sense to view the evolution from different "kinds" as opposed as evolution from one "original source". The evidence for a creator is all around us and creation theory does seem to make more sense (at least to me). The problem for creationism is the same though. There is no ultimate way to scientifically prove that God (or any creator for that matter) did it. That's where our faith comes in. My argument with goo to you evolution is that it takes the same type of faith to believe what they do. It's all the same evidence; only interpreted differently. And yes, that is obviously a battle in and of itself lol.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I agree with the points you make. This is exactly what Safarti explains in his books. He claims it makes more sense to view the evolution from different "kinds" as opposed as evolution from one "original source". The evidence for a creator is all around us and creation theory does seem to make more sense (at least to me). The problem for creationism is the same though. There is no ultimate way to scientifically prove that God (or any creator for that matter) did it. That's where our faith comes in. My argument with goo to you evolution is that it takes the same type of faith to believe what they do. It's all the same evidence; only interpreted differently. And yes, that is obviously a battle in and of itself lol.
The faith it takes to be an evolutionist and not a creationist doesn't come close imo.
The evolutionist accepts his position by faith, yes, he has not observed life springing from non-living substance, nor an ape changing into a man. He believes that time (did someone say billions and billions of years?) and chance and environment can, and in fact have, produced the universe and all that it contains.
Forget the amount of faith to believe that but, it's also not the same type of faith. You accept evolution by faith, yes, but it's a blind faith. The creationist accepts a Creator by deduction and things seen,as well as scientific info, laws of nature, etc. It's not a blind theory. It's a faith that is observable.
"Evolution is a theory universally accepted, not because it can be proved to be true, but because the only alternative, `special creation,' is clearly impossible. - Watson (London University)
Again, it's not evolution. It's we cannot and must not say there is God.


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
View attachment 472447
I had the good fortune of living in my car for 7 months in 2020-2021. As I had bills to pay including my wife's car payment, I often came up short of cash with a week or so left each month until my pension arrived. I found that there were food banks all over the north central region of the country run by churches. One church even gave me $40 worth of gas cards when I hoped they'd give me $5.

Point is you are constantly attacking Christians and the U.S. when it's obvious you don't know what goes on here. Your time would be better spent going after countries where those in power hog most of the wealth for themselves and leave the masses scrambling, working all day for very little. You have no idea how fortunate you are living and working in a developed nation. It's why you see millions coming to our border. You think the world is evil when you can't get a good paying job where you don't have to work hard and you get plenty of time off. You honestly don't have a clue.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
This biologist left athiesm because of abiogenesis.
" What is critical to the origin of life is the accuracy of self replication. Nothing in the universe self replicates accurately except living cells. No chemical self replicates, no machine self replicates, crystals don't self replicate. Even DNA does not self replicate. But, a living cell can and it is 99.999999999999 accurate.''- Dr Sia Gart

The law of biogenesis says that living organisms can be generated only by pre-existing living organisms. I like how God put it so the common man could easily understand ...
"Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind”; and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.'' _Gen. 1:24-25

Each according to its kind....


Well-Known Member
" What is critical to the origin of life is the accuracy of self replication. Nothing in the universe self replicates accurately except living cells. No chemical self replicates, no machine self replicates, crystals don't self replicate. Even DNA does not self replicate. But, a living cell can and it is 99.999999999999 accurate.''- Dr Sia Gart

The law of biogenesis says that living organisms can be generated only by pre-existing living organisms. I like how God put it so the common man could easily understand ...
"Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind”; and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.'' _Gen. 1:24-25

Each according to its kind....
I just happened upon this conversation & as I was listening he mentioned "abiogenesis" was a big reason he left athiesm. Then I remembered correcto said it was a big reason he was athiest. Funny

I have no idea who Dr gart is or what exactly he believes.


Well-Known Member
I had the good fortune of living in my car for 7 months in 2020-2021. As I had bills to pay including my wife's car payment, I often came up short of cash with a week or so left each month until my pension arrived. I found that there were food banks all over the north central region of the country run by churches. One church even gave me $40 worth of gas cards when I hoped they'd give me $5.

Point is you are constantly attacking Christians and the U.S. when it's obvious you don't know what goes on here. Your time would be better spent going after countries where those in power hog most of the wealth for themselves and leave the masses scrambling, working all day for very little. You have no idea how fortunate you are living and working in a developed nation. It's why you see millions coming to our border. You think the world is evil when you can't get a good paying job where you don't have to work hard and you get plenty of time off. You honestly don't have a clue.
america is going in a satanic fascist direction. jesus would not approve. the world is a mix of good and evil. america is better than latin america, ill give you that. america is increasingly a country "...where those in power hog most of the wealth for themselves and leave the masses scrambling, working all day for very little." this is the nature of capitalism: the owners / bosses have more power and so they take more money for themselves.

what kind of car did your wife have? was it new or used?


Well-Known Member
america is going in a satanic fascist direction. jesus would not approve. the world is a mix of good and evil. america is better than latin america, ill give you that. america is increasingly a country "...where those in power hog most of the wealth for themselves and leave the masses scrambling, working all day for very little." this is the nature of capitalism: the owners / bosses have more power and so they take more money for themselves.

what kind of car did your wife have? was it new or used?
We had a new Honda CRV. I lived in a Honda Element.

You can deflect all you want. There's nothing evil about being an employee. You don't get to share in the rewards of being an owner without taking the risks and responsibilities of being an owner.


Well-Known Member
We had a new Honda CRV. I lived in a Honda Element.

You can deflect all you want. There's nothing evil about being an employee. You don't get to share in the rewards of being an owner without taking the risks and responsibilities of being an owner.
im not the only person who thinks being an employee is satanic. its satanic because of the levels of power the bosses hold and because the employees dont own their labor; theyre paid an hourly wage.

why would you buy a car you cant afford? i guess you could afford it and then you couldnt afford it

we had a tenant who was in student debt while she was in nursing school. they used food banks briefly, i think part of it was satanic and then part of it was justified because paul got laid off.

El Correcto

god is dead
This biologist left athiesm because of abiogenesis.
I’ll watch and read a bit about him.

I agree with the points you make. This is exactly what Safarti explains in his books. He claims it makes more sense to view the evolution from different "kinds" as opposed as evolution from one "original source". The evidence for a creator is all around us and creation theory does seem to make more sense (at least to me). The problem for creationism is the same though. There is no ultimate way to scientifically prove that God (or any creator for that matter) did it. That's where our faith comes in. My argument with goo to you evolution is that it takes the same type of faith to believe what they do. It's all the same evidence; only interpreted differently. And yes, that is obviously a battle in and of itself lol.
Yeah there isn’t a consensus on that and that leads to god of the gaps.
Some people fall in the gap.


Well-Known Member
im not the only person who thinks being an employee is satanic. its satanic because of the levels of power the bosses hold and because the employees dont own their labor; theyre paid an hourly wage.
Exactly. The employees rent their labor out to owners. No one holds a gun to their heads.

You're still avoiding everything I pointed out that you said about being a co-owner. Very different than working in an Italian co-op.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. The employees rent their labor out to owners. No one holds a gun to their heads.

You're still avoiding everything I pointed out that you said about being a co-owner. Very different than working in an Italian co-op.
no same thing

you completely avoided the satanic power abuse at work which doesnt pass the jesus standards. yea the choice is starve or take orders from economic dictator at work. why do you think we got happy hour after work? because work is tyranny

why would you buy a car you cant afford? dont buy new cars, you lose a big percent after 3 to 5 years.


Well-Known Member
no same thing

you completely avoided the satanic power abuse at work which doesnt pass the jesus standards

why would you buy a car you cant afford? dont buy new cars, you lose a big percent after 3 to 5 years.
I was making good money but then my health issues took over.

There's nothing satanic about a boss assigning you duties and expecting you to perform them. You aren't being whipped. You aren't being chained to a desk. And you don't deserve to share in the rewards of owning a business if you didn't invest in the business.


Well-Known Member
I was making good money but then my health issues took over.

There's nothing satanic about a boss assigning you duties and expecting you to perform them. You aren't being whipped. You aren't being chained to a desk. And you don't deserve to share in the rewards of owning a business if you didn't invest in the business.
im sorry to hear that. the america system is the most expensive in the world and the number 1 source of bankruptcy.

o yes there is something extremely anti christian about taking orders 40 hours a week at an economic dictatorship, being profited off of, not being able to vote out toxic supervisors, working in dangerous conditions simply because of greed, and climate destroying pollution



Well-Known Member
im sorry to hear that. the america system is the most expensive in the world and the number 1 source of bankruptcy.

o yes there is something extremely anti christian about taking orders 40 hours a week at an economic dictatorship, being profited off of, not being able to vote out toxic supervisors, working in dangerous conditions simply because of greed, and climate destroying pollution

View attachment 472491
So you think the typical employee works in dangerous conditions?

"For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat."

2 Thessalonians 3:10


Well-Known Member
So you think the typical employee works in dangerous conditions?

"For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat."

2 Thessalonians 3:10
jesus would not participate in capitalism

yea i think doing long shifts at UPS is dangerous. the railway was dangerous. bosses are corrupt they wont tell you your rights to protect your safety. healthcare is dangerous for patients and workers.


Well-Known Member
jesus would not participate in capitalism

yea i think doing long shifts at UPS is dangerous. the railway was dangerous. bosses are corrupt they wont tell you your rights to protect your safety. healthcare is dangerous for patients and workers.
Yet literally millions have worked at UPS over its history. Maybe you're the problem?
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