Disagree. Look around the evidence of creation is everywhere.
The battle isn't creation or evolution. The battle is the recognition and acceptance of God.
When a gene mutates it produces an alternative form of the structure or condition it produced before. When a gene for a wing form mutates it produces another wing form, and not an eye color. If we evolved from protozoa (one-celled organisms), where along the way did we get genes which produce bones, blood, and teeth, for protozoa do not have these?
As more and more work is done on how the DNA in every cell works in replication, that point becomes an even larger obstacle for the evolutionary explanation of all life forms being the results of mutations from a single-celled organism.
Beyond the problems that are evident to the honest searcher with mutations to account for all present varieties of life, there is a mathematical problem with the time necessary for the process as
@El Correcto recognized. Let's give it 10 billion years and even at that, mathematical models have shown that even the time speculated would not provide enough time for the number of mutations which would have to be made to result in the present life forms even IF (never happened)we all started from a single-celled organism.