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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I don’t believe that is even possible. I don’t believe such a person has become a Christian.
2 Cor.5:10. " For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ , so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in his body, whether good or evil."
The word "all" includes Christians and unbelievers.


Staff member
2 Cor.5:10. " For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ , so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in his body, whether good or evil."
The word "all" includes Christians and unbelievers.
Might want to reread the quote.


Staff member
Likewise oh brother, please beg for mercy for being so good a steward of the few that you caused great pain to the many. See what I did there? :)
I fully intend to. I, like Paul will continue to “do that which I know I should not do and not do that which I know I should.”

Both fully sinner and fully saint, now and forever.


Well-Known Member
Ask a Mormon, or a Muslim.

why? I dont care to hear what either one thinks of alcohol.

by the way mormons werent around then and muslims kinda snuck in around the what 1600's?

spelling and grammar errors supplied to keep you amused.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
In that part of the world water was often bad to drink. Making wine preserves grape juice, making it easy to keep to drink with meals. And abuse of it is the sin, not just drinking it.
I guess God did not understand that some of the humans he created have addictive personalities ... I guess he wanted them that way.


Staff member
@bbsam ..any responses for #1797 ?

There are two commandments. Everything is encompassed within them.

Open your Bible and choose.

Peter denying Christ. Paul persecuting the Church. Priests and beggars. Leper’s and whores. I would submit to you that not a single one would “go and sin no more”. And yet each was given (from the moment they encountered Christ) the choice, the freedom to choose bondage to Christ.


Well-Known Member
why? I dont care to hear what either one thinks of alcohol.

by the way mormons werent around then and muslims kinda snuck in around the what 1600's?

spelling and grammar errors supplied to keep you amused.
Are you that ignorant, or just really dumb?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Are you that ignorant, or just really dumb?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

There are two commandments. Everything is encompassed within them.

Open your Bible and choose.

Peter denying Christ. Paul persecuting the Church. Priests and beggars. Leper’s and whores. I would submit to you that not a single one would “go and sin no more”. And yet each was given (from the moment they encountered Christ) the choice, the freedom to choose bondage to Christ.
613 commandments actually in the Law that Jesus lived under and died under and was obligated to as a Jew under the Mosaic law. Those two commandments do encompass the Law as Jesus said to the rich young ruler.
If you love God you will obey all laws and statutes and sacrifices at the temple, etc.
If you love you neighbor you won't lie to him, steal, take his wife, etc.

Open your bible and read where this law has been nailed to a cross ( Col.2:14 ) There is now (2000 years) a law of Christ (1Cor.9:21) we live under for both Jew and Gentile (Gal.3:28) The reason is because the death of Jesus ended the will of Moses to the Jews and began the will of Christ for all. (Heb.9:16)
The Law of Christ (New Testament ) reveals what God's part is in your salvation and reveals what your part is. Yes, the Law of Christ contains things one "must do".


Staff member
613 commandments actually in the Law that Jesus lived under and died under and was obligated to as a Jew under the Mosaic law. Those two commandments do encompass the Law as Jesus said to the rich young ruler.
If you love God you will obey all laws and statutes and sacrifices at the temple, etc.
If you love you neighbor you won't lie to him, steal, take his wife, etc.

Open your bible and read where this law has been nailed to a cross ( Col.2:14 ) There is now (2000 years) a law of Christ (1Cor.9:21) we live under for both Jew and Gentile (Gal.3:28) The reason is because the death of Jesus ended the will of Moses to the Jews and began the will of Christ for all. (Heb.9:16)
The Law of Christ (New Testament ) reveals what God's part is in your salvation and reveals what your part is. Yes, the Law of Christ contains things one "must do".
Must do and will fail to do. Must not do but will do anyway.

Thus grace.
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