

Binge Poster
I'm suggesting nothing.
The Bible claims for itself we cannot know the faith that God is pleased with and wants us to have without the Bible.
I get it. You believe God is dependent on the Bible to interact with mankind.

I once believed that way too, but I needed to turn from that shallow faith.

🙏 for you, my brethren.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I get it. You believe God is dependent on the Bible to interact with mankind.

I once believed that way too, but I needed to turn from that shallow faith.

🙏 for you, my brethren.
No you don't get it. Nice try by the way, of trying to minimize the importance of Scripture.
We have been given the Bible from God so we can be dependent Him.

Do what you want. But for me, to state the Bible is where one will find "shallow faith".. that one is in trouble.
Live it up.
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Binge Poster
No you don't get it. Nice try by the way, of trying to minimize the importance of Scripture.
We have been given the Bible from God so we can be dependent Him.

Do what you want. But for me, to state the Bible is where one will find "shallow faith".. that one is in trouble.
Live it up.
It is my belief that one can find shallow faith and strong faith within the pages of religious texts. Shallow faith is found when one places the God of the universe to be exclusively dependent upon religious texts to communicate with mankind.

That is and has been your perspective since I’ve known you, my brother.

I understand I was that way too.

God’s we’ll be done not mine!


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
It is my belief that one can find shallow faith and strong faith within the pages of religious texts. Shallow faith is found when one places the God of the universe to be exclusively dependent upon religious texts to communicate with mankind.

That is and has been your perspective since I’ve known you, my brother.

I understand I was that way too.

God’s we’ll be done not mine!
I'm not your Brother. We have nothing in common.
Live it up.


Well-Known Member
Do you even have a personal relationship with the Christ who dwells in you?


Just a relationship with a Christ who dwells in a religious book?

Why do you continue to give authority to religion when all authority has been given to Christ?

Religious texts even teach that!
Comes down to whether you believe we know Jesus through his word given us in the Bible, or is the Bible not even necessary, that we are in direct contact with God? I believe the former.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I believe what the Bible claims for itself. It is not a product of man. It is a product of God.
One may reach the conclusion that the Bible is not a revelation from God. But, the Bible refers to itself as being the word of God. There can be no doubt that Jesus and the first century church accepted the 39 books of the Old Testament (the law and the prophets )as a direct revelation from God. Also, the apostles doctrine as being a revelation on the same level with the Old Testament.
2 Timothy 3:16-17. Paul wrote, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." The words of the Bible are "breathed of God" (inspired).