@cheryl , this response was to another poster, not you, who was inquiring as to why he isn't the fixture he once was here.
Seemed like
@Coldworld misses him?
Personally, as one of the members of this community that went toe to toe with him daily during the tumultuous, perfect storm of contract and International election cycles, I have found it refreshing and inspirational the way he has "reinvented" himself since.
I don't see anything in the above post that admits guilt or points a finger at you as being unfair, rather stating the facts as to why he doesn't post here like he used to.
Maybe you are subconsciously referencing past encounters?
Where do you see any of this in
@LeadBelly 's above post???
Where does he claim to be a "victim" and where did he "publicly insult" you in yesterdays post???
That's an easy answer, he didn't on either count.
Perhaps you need to be honest with yourself, because it would seem that is exactly what you have, personal issues, and are looking to be publically validated by "your community".
Why don't you let it go, or stop rhetorically questioning your own decisions as a moderator, which is technically a TOS violation?