complaining about making so much money during peak?
this time the public won't have any sympathy when drivers are making over 100k a year plus another 40k in bennies.
#1. Haven't heard or read where drivers are complaining about how much money they are making?
They are however complaining about the ever increasing hours "required" to make that money and the overall workload associated with it.
#2. Our raises since 1997 have not advanced this profession money-wise, instead the annual raises have only served to keep up with inflation.
So, to pretend like our compensation is a whole new dynamic in regards to a strike, simply isn't true, as well is the fact that $100,000 a year package car drivers are the exception, not the rule.
As far as our benefits go, they are also the same, or in many cases, worse than they were in 1997.
#3. The biggest difference I see this time is the lack of a charismatic leader who is capable of engaging the membership, media, and general public as to the plight of the majority of the members at UPS.
Remember, those dynamics that echoed across the country, "Part Time America"???
That hasn't changed by enlarge at UPS, and in many aspects part timers are even worse off today at UPS than they were in 1997, with many living at or just above the poverty level, as their starting wages have absolutely not kept up with inflation.
In the end, we can fixate on the Company talking points, as
@olroadbeech has here today, or we can open the whole can of worms and fight for our fair share, and in turn, the standards we set will trickle down to non-union workplaces.
There was a time when unions set the bar for the rest of an industry.
It's high time we got back there.