
Well-Known Member
I know when our ancestors spread into the Middle East and Europe from Africa the Neanderthals were already there. Physically stronger than us, had weapons, fire, made cave paintings. Who were they?
Those would be the sons of japheth described in Genesis 10 and 5 as the Gentiles. Khazars Eskenazi ottoman Turks Germans Russians polish French so forth and so on these are all the descendants of japheth Noah's oldest son, the father of the Gentiles


Well-Known Member
Yah, not the same thing.
What do you mean not the same thing? There is enough information online about the subject matter without buying the books. The information in the video only gives you scientific and historical facts, but not as detailed as the books. Everything in the video can be researched improving true or false. The problem with most people is they'll eat before they look, take time to look at the videos before you go off the deep end Friend. Bottom line, prove the video wrong anyway you can, and get back to me!!!


Well-Known Member
Those would be the sons of japheth described in Genesis 10 and 5 as the Gentiles. Khazars Eskenazi ottoman Turks Germans Russians polish French so forth and so on these are all the descendants of japheth Noah's oldest son, the father of the Gentiles
The Neanderthals existed before the Biblical timeline so couldn't be descendants of Japheth. And biologically were different from us.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The Dead Sea Scrolls, the ones authorized for the Bible and the ones that weren't all tell the story.
The Dead Sea Scrolls proved the canon of the scripture measured up to what it claimed to be.
Genetic migration DNA and historical events all bring the facts in the Bible to life.
The fact it doesn't bring to life is your claim to being a direct descendant of one of the original 12 tribes of Israel.
70 AD back to Abraham...the recorded history of the 12 tribes , the names, the sons, the sons of sons, All totally destroyed. There is no way, no how, no man, can go back any further than 70 AD...thus the impossibility of your claim.


Well-Known Member
Learn to recognize a joke snarkologist!

Wait, I thought you thought I was the one who thought so much about myself and thought so little of everyone else (hence you calling me a snarkologist) when in reality I think we all think too many thoughts all the time anyway, and...

Who’s joke was it anyway?


Well-Known Member
Wait, I thought you thought I was the one who thought so much about myself and thought so little of everyone else (hence you calling me a snarkologist) when in reality I think we all think too many thoughts all the time anyway, and...

Who’s joke was it anyway?
I don't know, what's on second?


Well-Known Member
The Dead Sea Scrolls proved the canon of the scripture measured up to what it claimed to be.

The fact it doesn't bring to life is your claim to being a direct descendant of one of the original 12 tribes of Israel.
70 AD back to Abraham...the recorded history of the 12 tribes , the names, the sons, the sons of sons, All totally destroyed. There is no way, no how, no man, can go back any further than 70 AD...thus the impossibility of your claim.


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Well-Known Member
Now if you overlap my screenshot with the Hebrew Exodus out of Jerusalem this is what your DNA should look like.


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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Here's the thing, I'm not trying to convince anyone I'm just trying to put the truth out.
What you have put out there does not and cannot prove you as a direct descendant of the original 12 tribes of Israel. You have put it out there..but doing that does not prove your claim or that it is the truth. In fact, I would say it has to be on the fictional best seller list.
You friend can continue to believe whatever it is you believe.
That goes without saying , Friend.
You do the same.
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