Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
No, but if he did, it seems his core 40% would still vote for him, and probably donate.

This is where we are.
Are you a writer for National Enquirer? Ambiguity in your verbiage shows the weakness of your statement. Are you afraid of your convictions? Oh, right, it's because you based it on feelings and not facts.

Now go play hopscotch with the other kids.


Well-Known Member
Are you a writer for National Enquirer? Ambiguity in your verbiage shows the weakness of your statement. Are you afraid of your convictions? Oh, right, it's because you based it on feelings and not facts.

Now go play hopscotch with the other kids.

He wasn’t far off when he said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and still get votes.

What are we up to? Twenty allegations? I know you Trumpatistas like to spin it - he’s rich, they’re just after money, or whatever justification you feel like using, but answer honestly:

Would he get your vote in 2020 if it was all true?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
He wasn’t far off when he said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and still get votes.

What are we up to? Twenty allegations? I know you Trumpatistas like to spin it - he’s rich, they’re just after money, or whatever justification you feel like using, but answer honestly:

Would he get your vote in 2020 if it was all true?
We won't run out of 'allegations' until the Dimocrat supporters run out of money to hire the accusers.
And I would gladly vote for your candidate that was actually planning on improving our country rather than pandering for votes. Y'all have one of those?


Well-Known Member
We won't run out of 'allegations' until the Dimocrat supporters run out of money to hire the accusers.
And I would gladly vote for your candidate that was actually planning on improving our country rather than pandering for votes. Y'all have one of those?

So, all the allegations spanning four decades are paid-off Dem hit campaigns?



Happy Verified UPSer
Just about every culture has been enslaved in one time in history. i wish people would move on with their lives. it's incredible how fast some peoples like Vietnamese , Koreans, Hmong, Indians from India, Chinese , and others ( all have been enslaved at one time ) can assimilate into American life and go after the Dream.

Oh,they all have strong family structure.

But some can't. What's up with that?


Well-Known Member
Nothing is coming in these chapters friend. All been fulfilled.
In Deuteronomy 28, there is one of the most remarkable and detailed prophecies ever uttered. Moses predicted the destruction of Jerusalem, some 1500 years before it was fulfilled in 70 A.D. The "nation from afar off" was the Romans-the fierce men of battle.
Josephus ( Roman Historian ) tells of the mother who ate her own child and of the number slain and of those taken prisoners. All prophesied long before not only the event, but even the making of Jerusalem the capital of the Jewish nation as well.
Bravo bravo someone has been doing the homework homework! Yet you are still not the learned. The curse of Deuteronomy will be on the Seed of Abraham for a sign and they Wonder for the Nations to see FOREVER, so sayeth the Bible!!

Deuteronomy 28:46
[46]And they shall be upon thee for a sign and for a wonder, and upon thy seed for ever. As a side note to prophecy that is now and yet to come. Jerusalem will be trotted down by the gentiles until the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled. Anyone that has picked up a book nose that the Israelis in Jerusalem today are gentiles, one of the regions we know that they are Gentiles is because they confess it with their own mouths. Most of them will tell you that they are Ashkenazi, khazars, German, Russian, polish, ottoman Turks Sephardic French etc etc. So the fact that these Gentiles are still in the motherland tells one or should tell one that this is a lot of Prophecy...


Well-Known Member
You don't have a religion but claim to be a Hebrew Israelite?
How did you become a Hebrew Israelite?
Moose people don't understand that Hebrew is a bloodline an ethnicity not a religion. Judaism is a religion Christianity is a religion Islam is a religion, but being of Hebrew Israelite stock is a bloodline and the migration of that bloodline can be traced back to Israel with all the trace blood of the indigenous people better in or have been in that area for thousands of years. If you trace the DNA of the Israeli people that are in Jerusalem today you will find that they have no trace blood with the indigenous people in that land but in fact only sheer trace blood with people that come from Russia Germany France Poland and so forth and so on.


Well-Known Member
They've done DNA tests on bones and teeth from the ancient Hebrew settlements and their lineage is Arabic.
This is what Jesus most likely looked like ...

View attachment 253697

That's cool too ... I adhere to the teachings of Jesus myself.
Most Christians would say I am not a Christian, so I call myself a Jesusist.
I don't understand why most Christians would say that they are not Christians when in fact the religion they follow is exactly that. Roman Catholicism is the father of all of these fused together religions which depicts European Jesus Christ as their lord and savior, what else can you call yourself?


Well-Known Member
Moose people don't understand that Hebrew is a bloodline an ethnicity not a religion. Judaism is a religion Christianity is a religion Islam is a religion, but being of Hebrew Israelite stock is a bloodline and the migration of that bloodline can be traced back to Israel with all the trace blood of the indigenous people better in or have been in that area for thousands of years. If you trace the DNA of the Israeli people that are in Jerusalem today you will find that they have no trace blood with the indigenous people in that land but in fact only sheer trace blood with people that come from Russia Germany France Poland and so forth and so on.
When you say that African Americans are the true Israelites but Africans aren't you're in denial about various ethnic groups being drawn from as captives of other African ethnic groups and being sold to slavers to be shipped not only to what is now the United States but to most of the Americas. You speak of DNA but your DNA is the same as Africans in Africa now. You've bought into a fantasy put forth by those who have an agenda and want to control others. Sorry, but under scrutiny your claims just don't hold up. If they did Black slaves would have been worshipping as the ancient Israelites of the old Testament did, with blood sacrifices. They wouldn't have accepted Christianity. I don't think it does you any good for someone to tell you they respect your beliefs because your beliefs are based on lies. Don't mean to be rude but the truth is sometimes hard to take.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why most Christians would say that they are not Christians when in fact the religion they follow is exactly that. Roman Catholicism is the father of all of these fused together religions which depicts European Jesus Christ as their lord and savior, what else can you call yourself?
Most who process Christianity do say they are Christians. Protestants left the Roman Catholic Church because at that time the Catholic Church had become a bloated, corrupt bureaucracy. And as demonstrated recently it still has huge systemic problems in it's priesthood.


Well-Known Member
They've done DNA tests on bones and teeth from the ancient Hebrew settlements and their lineage is Arabic.
This is what Jesus most likely looked like ...

View attachment 253697
Wrong! I don't know if wrong is the right word but I can tell you that that is only half of the story. Although Arabs are of Hebrews stock they are not the chosen people. If you remember Abram's wife Sara was barren and she gave her husband her hand made Hagar to wife. Haggar bared him a son Ishmael. Sara was so angry with Hagar for bearing her husband a son (Ishmael) that She chased them away. Ishmael is the father of the Arabs and if you remember the Covenant would go to Abraham's son Isaac bore by his wife Sara, not Ishmael born to the handmaid Hagar. Yeshua the one the world ignorantly cost Jesus came through the bloodline of Abraham Isaac Jacob Judah so forth and so on oh, so no this is not what Yeshua would probably look like...


Well-Known Member
Most who process Christianity do say they are Christians. Protestants left the Roman Catholic Church because at that time the Catholic Church had become a bloated, corrupt bureaucracy. And as demonstrated recently it still has huge systemic problems in it's priesthood.
The whole body is depraved and corrupted... Idolatry Sun God worship sodomy defiling the Sabbath....

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I don't understand why most Christians would say that they are not Christians when in fact the religion they follow is exactly that. Roman Catholicism is the father of all of these fused together religions which depicts European Jesus Christ as their lord and savior, what else can you call yourself?
A Jesusist.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Wrong! I don't know if wrong is the right word but I can tell you that that is only half of the story. Although Arabs are of Hebrews stock they are not the chosen people. If you remember Abram's wife Sara was barren and she gave her husband her hand made Hagar to wife. Haggar bared him a son Ishmael. Sara was so angry with Hagar for bearing her husband a son (Ishmael) that She chased them away. Ishmael is the father of the Arabs and if you remember the Covenant would go to Abraham's son Isaac bore by his wife Sara, not Ishmael born to the handmaid Hagar. Yeshua the one the world ignorantly cost Jesus came through the bloodline of Abraham Isaac Jacob Judah so forth and so on oh, so no this is not what Yeshua would probably look like...
I'm quite familiar with that mythology.
The Abrahamic mythology is accepted by Jews, Christians and Muslims and who worship the same God.


Well-Known Member
There's a but in there though! The original Native Americans all had negroid features, not the mix version that you see today.
I'm part Native American, my grandfather was 3/4th's Cherokee. As in the rest of the world there were many Native American ethnic groups. The ones with as you put it, Negroid features, like the Olmecs of Mexico, with flat, broad noses and large lips, lived in areas that are very hot and humid, much like most of Africa, and who's bodies had adapted through mutation to the climate over time. The Native Americans of North America didn't look like that although some, like the Crow, are naturally darker. Not black, but darker than other groups around them.


Well-Known Member
I'm quite familiar with that mythology.
The Abrahamic mythology is accepted by Jews, Christians and Muslims and who worship the same God.
You may dismiss the Dead Sea Scrolls as mythology but if you do your research you understand that there is historical fact to back it up. More and more prophecies are being fulfilled everyday so if you once believed that it's a myth, okay! Yahweh has not given the ruach unto all... I would not say that all of these religions worship the same God, because they all take from The Book of Life, what they will it may seem to the unlearned that they are worshiping the same God though...