

Well-Known Member
"Afford" is not getting hammered with higher and higher premiums every year. And seriously, it was never about helping Americans with affordable healthcare. Just a stepping stone to Socialism. Any lies told to get us there was worth it to the Dems.

Not sure where to start, but, NO.


Nine Lives
You'll need to define "afford." I can sell you an "insurance" plan that doesn't cover things like hospital visits or trips to the ER and only covers $1000 for your whole lifetime. It will be affordable, but it won't do you any good. That's the gist of the republican plan.
I assume that reply was just for @vantexan and not the rest of us.


Well-Known Member
On a side note, I just wish the current administration could just get on and do whatever they're going to do, whatever it is.

By all means, please proceed, and then, let the chips fall where they may.

The sooner they enact their madness, the sooner the effects are felt, the sooner that cooler heads will prevail, the sooner that???


Well-Known Member
On a side note, I just wish the current administration could just get on and do whatever they're going to do, whatever it is.

By all means, please proceed, and then, let the chips fall where they may.

The sooner they enact their madness, the sooner the effects are felt, the sooner that cooler heads will prevail, the sooner that???
It's Congress, not the administration, that controls the legislative process. And they're all afraid for their jobs with the way the Press has gone after the administration.


Well-Known Member
The end game is Single Payer.
It's inevitable but how long before a Single Payer Healthcare system?
Will the politicians let US citizens pay for healthcare beyond the core?

Single-payer healthcare is a system in which all residents pay the state – via taxes in amounts determined by the state – to cover core healthcare costs for all residents regardless of income, occupation, or health status.
Only inevitable if the Dems get control of everything again. And with the Press helping them by God they just might.


Well-Known Member
It's Congress, not the administration, that controls the legislative process. And they're all afraid for their jobs with the way the Press has gone after the administration.

Strange, isn't it.

'Republican' President, and Republicans control both houses.

What's their excuse for not getting bleep done?


Well-Known Member
The lies and distortions of the Left. Tell a lie often enough and people start believing it.

Democrats blocking them ... the Dims learned well from the Repugs.

I'm sorry, excuse me, what power do the D's have to block the R's, at this point?

Maybe the D's did learn from the R's, after all:

All the R's did under Obama was OBSTRUCT OBSTRUCT OBSTRUCT.

Funny to hear the R's now complain about obstruction...get real.

Reagan and Tip are rolling over in their respective graves.


Well-Known Member
Only inevitable if the Dems get control of everything again. And with the Press helping them by God they just might.

Don't worry about the 'Press', they do their job, to the best of their ability.

If you're a savvy news consumer, you can separate the wheat from the chaff.

Sooner or later, Dems will get's just the nature of our political beast.

None of that changes the fact that 'Single Payer' is the correct way to go.


Bad Moon Risen'
I'm sorry, excuse me, what power do the D's have to block the R's, at this point?

Maybe the D's did learn from the R's, after all:

All the R's did under Obama was OBSTRUCT OBSTRUCT OBSTRUCT.

Funny to hear the R's now complain about obstruction...get real.

Reagan and Tip are rolling over in their respective graves.
Both sides are hypocrites.

Look at some video of McConnell bloviating 8 years ago about the Democrats not including the Republicans in the healthcare debate and negotiating behind closed doors.
What did he just do?


Well-Known Member
Both sides are hypocrites.

Look at some video of McConnell bloviating 8 years ago about the Democrats not including the Republicans in the healthcare debate and negotiating behind closed doors.
What did he just do?

I would vote for you for President.

No :censored2:.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about the 'Press', they do their job, to the best of their ability.

If you're a savvy news consumer, you can separate the wheat from the chaff.

Sooner or later, Dems will get's just the nature of our political beast.

None of that changes the fact that 'Single Payer' is the correct way to go.
Democrats controlled Congress for 40 years. From the looks of things Republicans can have a pretty good run themselves, although likely not that long. But Democrats were a different party under Tip O'Neill. Dems are so far Left now the mainstream is at least concerned about what they might do. Had complete control for two years and we got Obamacare. Thank goodness they weren't able to get Cap-and-Trade done.