

Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
You're proving my point.

Our elected representatives are so completely dependent on their donors that they'll craft complete bull-chit policy, just to keep their money-masters happy.

Yes, a side result is that other countries get cheaper drugs.

Who's fault is that?

Is it your fault? Is it my fault?

It doesn't have to be this way, and the new Senate/House bills do absolutely nothing to stop this madness.
People dont understand this. This is one part of the process. They can only do certain things under reconciliation. There are two more parts to this bill coming if this passes


Well-Known Member
People dont understand this. This is one part of the process. They can only do certain things under reconciliation. There are two more parts to this bill coming if this passes

the problem will be that the liberals will misrepresent it as the first step being the only step


Well-Known Member
People dont understand this. This is one part of the process. They can only do certain things under reconciliation. There are two more parts to this bill coming if this passes



What are you talking about?

Two more parts to the bill? They almost couldn't come up with the first part of the bill - two other parts? That's bonkers.

Are you aware that only one reconciliation bill can be passed per year?


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge


What are you talking about?

Two more parts to the bill? They almost couldn't come up with the first part of the bill - two other parts? That's bonkers.

Are you aware that only one reconciliation bill can be passed per year?
yes, thats the point. There are other things they are going to put with it when they pass the budget. Also there are certain things tom price is allowed to do. The obama administration put a lot of blocks in place for the aca


Well-Known Member

K, got it.

Honestly, I want you to succeed.

I want the Republicans to completely dismantle and destroy the ACA.

There will be some immediate effects, but the true ramifications of your success won't be felt for a decade.

By that time, everyone who isn't a Congressman will realize that the ACA was a good start, and maybe we should have fixed it, or gone to Single Payer.

But, it will be far too late.

In the interim, people will die, but, cynically speaking, maybe that's the point.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
K, got it.

Honestly, I want you to succeed.

I want the Republicans to completely dismantle and destroy the ACA.

There will be some immediate effects, but the true ramifications of your success won't be felt for a decade.

By that time, everyone who isn't a Congressman will realize that the ACA was a good start, and maybe we should have fixed it, or gone to Single Payer.

But, it will be far too late.

In the interim, people will die, but, cynically speaking, maybe that's the point.
The point is tax cuts for millionaires. Everything else is secondary. In that article it repeats the fact the actual law of the ACA can't be repealed without 60 votes. The republicans aren't even trying to get that done. They are brazenly lying to their voters and still the voters defend the plan as a repeal. The only people happy with this bill should be millionaires and medical device manufacturers that are getting tax cuts.


Well-Known Member
Anyone who is in favor of the Senate or House bills, speak up, and tell me why.

I'm curious why anyone would think they're good, unless you're mad rich.

IWBF said it quite clearly: this bill has nothing to do with health care and everything to do with cutting taxes for the rich.

Someone who is in favor of these bills, tell me how I'm wrong.


Nine Lives
Anyone who is in favor of the Senate or House bills, speak up, and tell me why.

I'm curious why anyone would think they're good, unless you're mad rich.

IWBF said it quite clearly: this bill has nothing to do with health care and everything to do with cutting taxes for the rich.

Someone who is in favor of these bills, tell me how I'm wrong.
Even when you're right, you're wrong!


Nine Lives
How do you feel about the Senate bill?

Too much, not enough?

Ah, never mind...

Monkey's butt.
Sorry, I've been busy with other stuff since I got a cortisone shot in the bad knee.
Got to prioritize while I can move around without pain.
Feels great ... the cortisone seems to be affecting all my aching joints.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I've been busy with other stuff since I got a cortisone shot in the bad knee.
Got to prioritize while I can move around without pain.
Feels great ... the cortisone seems to be affecting all my aching joints.

Pain is so interesting...(I'm going through some dental issues).

I say interesting, because once you aren't in pain after being in pain, the memory of pain is like a ghost; it makes no sense.

Before I went to the dentist and got a root canal (which was its own thing), the pain in my jaw almost eclipsed my sight - it was literally all I could think about.

It's funny - the pain at any given moment wasn't all that bad, but add all those moments into hours and then days: the continuity of pain took on a life of its own.

Glad you're feeling better.


Well-Known Member
I still think single payer is an inevitability. All this other stuff from RomneyCare to ObamaCare to Republicare and other than all being the same thing, just a different name, is little more than political theater.


Well-Known Member
The point is tax cuts for millionaires. Everything else is secondary. In that article it repeats the fact the actual law of the ACA can't be repealed without 60 votes. The republicans aren't even trying to get that done. They are brazenly lying to their voters and still the voters defend the plan as a repeal. The only people happy with this bill should be millionaires and medical device manufacturers that are getting tax cuts.

right out of the democratic talking points.

written hundreds of years ago and regurgitated by the DNC at every turn.