Just like you lied about all three except little red.
1) 22 M will not have healthcare Insurance but 15 million are younger people who elect to not buy insurance now and in the future. The real change is 7 million or less and it is not 22M more ... that would mean 47M.
2) It was access to coverage
3) premiums will be reduced on or before 2026 but there is no projection of lower deductibles.
15 million younger healthy people out of the market raises costs for everyone, that's still bad.
Trump always promised coverage for everyone, the access to coverage was republican spin away from that populist claim.
Premiums only go down because coverage is worse, less things covered, reinstatement of lifetime caps, still a bad outcome, it will increase medical bankruptcies.
Who cares if you think I'm lying, I'm not the president.