

Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Well than goodness I live in Cali. I'd hate to see what medicare will be in the poor states in the future under this plan.
California is already in a hole with their pension problems, also im pretty sure they already through money at their market. Minnesota did already to. You want a state to look at, use illinois

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Well than goodness I live in Cali. I'd hate to see what medicare will be in the poor states in the future under this plan.
That part blows my mind. Kentucky and West Virginia are 2 of the largest benefactors of Medicaid expansion. McConnell is trying his best to harm his constituents and they love it and will vote for him again.


Well-Known Member
Also this 23 million people without insurance is bull:censored2: to. When you get rid of the mandate some people wont get insurance. Plus some of the things paying for obamacare now like taxing Cadillac plans and medical tax on equipment is bull:censored2:.
23 million is 23 million bro. Without a mandate, the young and healthy forgo coverage and drive premiums up for the rest of us.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
23 million is 23 million bro. Without a mandate, the young and healthy forgo coverage and drive premiums up for the rest of us.
it isnt because they were never going to get it anyways, they paid the fine at the end of the year.


Well-Known Member
That part blows my mind. Kentucky and West Virginia are 2 of the largest benefactors of Medicaid expansion. McConnell is trying his best to harm his constituents and they love it and will vote for him again.
Unfortunately it will be too late for them by the time they realize it.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Also this 23 million people without insurance is bull:censored2: to. When you get rid of the mandate some people wont get insurance. Plus some of the things paying for obamacare now like taxing Cadillac plans and medical tax on equipment is bull:censored2:.
New CBO score is out, congratulations now it's only 22 million more people projected to be uninsured by 2026. Trump promised everyone would have coverage with lower premiums and lower deductibles. Looks like he lied about all 3.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
New CBO score is out, congratulations now it's only 22 million more people projected to be uninsured by 2026. Trump promised everyone would have coverage with lower premiums and lower deductibles. Looks like he lied about all 3.
you also realize this is just one part of the process to right, you also realize 27 million still dont have insurance now right


Nine Lives
1) New CBO score is out, congratulations now it's only 22 million more people projected to be uninsured by 2026. 2) Trump promised everyone would have coverage
3) with lower premiums and lower deductibles.
Looks like he lied about all 3.
Just like you lied about all three except little red.

1) 22 M will not have healthcare Insurance but 15 million are younger people who elect to not buy insurance now and in the future. The real change is 7 million or less and it is not 22M more ... that would mean 47M.
2) It was access to coverage
3) premiums will be reduced on or before 2026 but there is no projection of lower deductibles.
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It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Just like you lied about all three except little red.

1) 22 M will not have healthcare Insurance but 15 million are younger people who elect to not buy insurance now and in the future. The real change is 7 million or less and it is not 22M more ... that would mean 47M.
2) It was access to coverage
3) premiums will be reduced on or before 2026 but there is no projection of lower deductibles.
15 million younger healthy people out of the market raises costs for everyone, that's still bad.
Trump always promised coverage for everyone, the access to coverage was republican spin away from that populist claim.
Premiums only go down because coverage is worse, less things covered, reinstatement of lifetime caps, still a bad outcome, it will increase medical bankruptcies.

Who cares if you think I'm lying, I'm not the president.
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It will be fine

Well-Known Member
you also realize this is just one part of the process to right, you also realize 27 million still dont have insurance now right
And I'm in part one of my process of becoming a billionaire. Want to invest in my company? Believe me the other parts of the plan are bigly awesome and you'll get your money back.


Staff member
Just like you lied about all three except little red.

1) 22 M will not have healthcare Insurance but 15 million are younger people who elect to not buy insurance now and in the future. The real change is 7 million or less and it is not 22M more ... that would mean 47M.
2) It was access to coverage
3) premiums will be reduced on or before 2026 but there is no projection of lower deductibles.
I bet you can't go back to Trump's campaign and back this up.


Well-Known Member
California is already in :censored2: with their pension problems, also im pretty sure they already through money at their market. Minnesota did already to. You want a state to look at, use illinois
We bounced back from the Great Recession, made changes to that pension and are the worlds 6th largest economy. You were saying............


Well-Known Member
Reduces the budget by $321M by 2026.

Wow...$321M? the next nine years?

We just blew that amount of money dropping the MOAB.

Color me...not impressed.

We don't have a supply problem (resources), we have a distribution problem (allocation).

I'm not saying we should reallocate rich people's $$$, I'm just saying, the USA spends money like a drunk sailor who has a cocaine habit and doesn't realize the 'hooker' he just slept with is a man...


Well-Known Member
So your argument is that the republican plan is just a better socialist managed program than the democrat socialist managed program otherwise known as ObamaCare.

If this is going to be the option no matter what, just go single payer and be done with it.

no my answer was that the cut was not a cut . hoped I splained it to ya.