

Well-Known Member
I still think single payer is an inevitability. All this other stuff from RomneyCare to ObamaCare to Republicare and other than all being the same thing, just a different name, is little more than political theater.

agreed. once Obamacare passed we started down that slippery slope


Well-Known Member
right out of the democratic talking points.

written hundreds of years ago and regurgitated by the DNC at every turn.


Explain to me why you like the bills coming out of the Senate and House...

Let's make this easy:

Name three things you think are improvements over the ACA.

I triple-dog-dare you to tell me what you actually think.

If you don't respond, I'll simply assume you're just another one of those posters who simply regurgitates R or D talking points.

Do you play chess?


Well-Known Member
Moose eat cress.



Well-Known Member
currently we spend 384 billion on Medicaid. Obamacare would increase that spending to 624 billion by 2026. the republican bill would slow down that increase to approximately 500 billion by 2027. thus your so called cuts actually equate to a 116 billion dollar increase under their plan.

Ari Fleischer BUSTS Dem narrative that GOP health bill cuts Medicaid

So your argument is that the republican plan is just a better socialist managed program than the democrat socialist managed program otherwise known as ObamaCare.

If this is going to be the option no matter what, just go single payer and be done with it.
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It will be fine

Well-Known Member
currently we spend 384 billion on Medicaid. Obamacare would increase that spending to 624 billion by 2026. the republican bill would slow down that increase to approximately 500 billion by 2027. thus your so called cuts actually equate to a 116 billion dollar increase under their plan.

Ari Fleischer BUSTS Dem narrative that GOP health bill cuts Medicaid
You didn't mention why you think this is a good idea or good for people.

Ari fails to mention or take into account inflation. There will be inflation between now and 2027. Assuming 3% inflation that 384 billion would be 510 billion in 2026. Health care costs have been increasing at well beyond inflation too. They tend to go up 6-7% annually. At 7% to be able to pay for the same services as that original 384 billion it would take 719 billion.

What is your expectation on how that monetary shortfall will be made up? I suspect it will be to cut services. I don't see the value in cutting medical services to the poor in order to fund tax cuts for millionaires.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
You didn't mention why you think this is a good idea or good for people.

Ari fails to mention or take into account inflation. There will be inflation between now and 2027. Assuming 3% inflation that 384 billion would be 510 billion in 2026. Health care costs have been increasing at well beyond inflation too. They tend to go up 6-7% annually. At 7% to be able to pay for the same services as that original 384 billion it would take 719 billion.

What is your expectation on how that monetary shortfall will be made up? I suspect it will be to cut services. I don't see the value in cutting medical services to the poor in order to fund tax cuts for millionaires.
states will cover it and some already are. The expansion now isnt supposed to be paid 100 percent by the feds. The states take 20 percent of that in the future. State budgets will be killed. It is one of the reasons some states didnt do it. It is also where most people went


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Also this 23 million people without insurance is bull:censored2: to. When you get rid of the mandate some people wont get insurance. Plus some of the things paying for obamacare now like taxing Cadillac plans and medical tax on equipment is bull:censored2:.


Well-Known Member
states will cover it and some already are. The expansion now isnt supposed to be paid 100 percent by the feds. The states take 20 percent of that in the future. State budgets will be killed. It is one of the reasons some states didnt do it. It is also where most people went
Well than goodness I live in Cali. I'd hate to see what medicare will be in the poor states in the future under this plan.