

Well-Known Member

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
So the plans that can be offered under the Cruz amendment don't even qualify as insurance. That means if you buy a Cruz plan and get sick you're screwed. Your illness won't be covered under a Cruz plan and since it doesn't qualify as insurance you are locked out of buying a real insurance plan for 6 months. That is some great freedom.


Staff member
So the plans that can be offered under the Cruz amendment don't even qualify as insurance. That means if you buy a Cruz plan and get sick you're screwed. Your illness won't be covered under a Cruz plan and since it doesn't qualify as insurance you are locked out of buying a real insurance plan for 6 months. That is some great freedom.
So if it passes, democrats will start branding the sub-standard policies as "Cruz Plans".

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
if only we had such thorough analysis before Obummer scewed up our health care system.
Do you think the system was working before the ACA?
There was certainly a CBO score of the ACA before it was voted on. Currently there is no informed interest group that supports Republicare, insurance companies, AARP, hospital associations, doctors, patient right's organizations, they are all against this bill. That's why it's approval rating is around 15%.


Well-Known Member
You're the only one that thinks that and obviously wrong. Please articulate what was working well in the health insurance industry before the ACA.

how can you possibly say I am the only one that thinks that when half the country would love to have us return to those days?

this system was designed to fail. the hope was to have it collapse and send us to single payer. so far the ACA is working just as designed.


Well-Known Member
You're the only one that thinks that and obviously wrong. Please articulate what was working well in the health insurance industry before the ACA.
Most working people had insurance they could afford that actually covered them. In your world everyone must have insurance even if it means the overwhelming majority must now pay a lot more for insurance that does little beyond catastrophic care. And requires provisions to cover items many will never need, further driving up costs. Which is all intended for one thing, driving out private insurers and making the gov't the single payer. That's the objective, not some pious concern for the poor uninsured.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
how can you possibly say I am the only one that thinks that when half the country would love to have us return to those days?

this system was designed to fail. the hope was to have it collapse and send us to single payer. so far the ACA is working just as designed.
So that's a no on what part of the system was working well pre-ACA?
The Republicare bill is not a return to those days. It's a horrendous tax cut for millionaires that cuts Medicaid.


Well-Known Member
how can you possibly say I am the only one that thinks that when half the country would love to have us return to those days?

Citation please.

this system was designed to fail. the hope was to have it collapse and send us to single payer. so far the ACA is working just as designed.

The system was designed to be fixed. If single payer is the answer (it is) then the sooner we transition, the better.

Employer based insurance is unsustainable.