

Well-Known Member
Unless it's a rape baby, then it's not murder right?
Still murder. Not opposed to hospitals administering drug that prevents attachment of fertilized egg to uterus wall when victim goes through the rape kit process, but tell me, why is a rape victim seeking an abortion 5 months later? And we all know most abortions are a matter of convenience for mother who didn't practice responsible sex and doesn't want the hindrance or expense of raising a child. So her baby gets administered a saline solution and is then torn limb from limb. And advocates want that right all the way until just before birth if they choose. You wouldn't allow a newborn baby to be done that way would you? But just before birth is ok?


Well-Known Member
If someone murders a pregnant woman they are charged with two murders. So why then isn't abortion murder?

Guy, you and I will never agree about this, and that's OK.

Maybe we have different ideas about what constitutes 'murder'.

Back to the larger point, can we at least agree that neither one of us wants to live in a world where you or I have total control?


Staff member
no democratic participation
So after seven years of "repeal and replace" rhetoric, sweeping elections, winning both houses of congress and the presidency, the fact that Obamacare is still the law of the land remains "the democrats fault? And if people get hurt because a republican president refuses to enforce the law, well that's the "democrats fault" too?

How twisted is that?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
the bleeding started and got us here under Obama when the assurance was there.
That's not true. Read the article you posted. The big problems that republican state media is yelling about will all be caused by republicans intentionally sabotaging the law. Republicans are happy to hurt their constituents if it makes them "right."


Well-Known Member
That's not true. Read the article you posted. The big problems that republican state media is yelling about will all be caused by republicans intentionally sabotaging the law. Republicans are happy to hurt their constituents if it makes them "right."
Because we all know the ACA was going along swimmingly before the Republicans got complete control of the government.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
While you may have no problem with forcing people to buy coverage, that's one of the biggest gripes for Republican constituents. It's not political gain, it's a political promise fulfilled.
So you're saying to hell with the entire system, you don't care if millions of people lose their insurance carrier as long as a handful don't have to buy it? Good plan.