

Nine Lives
Maybe a vote at 1 a.m. to approve the Senate version and send it back to the house.
Ryan promised Senators he would send it into bicameral committee working on a final bill.
So much drama!
Can't miss that BBQ on August 1st back home. Lotsa contributions will come from that.
Get us outta here!
Senate bill fails ... now let Obamacare die where it may.
What's that? ... the sucking noise as poor people flow into the states that accepted the Obamacare Medicaid expansion.

Now it's back to the Home State to give those speeches at the BBQ's and rake in the campaign donations.


Nine Lives
Mine tells me how I am to live and doesn't tell me to tell others how they are to live.
This is the worst aspect of Republicans ... they think they should tell everyone else how to live their lives.
Just a bunch of hypocrites as far as I can see.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Senate bill fails ... now let Obamacare die where it may.
What's that? ... the sucking noise as poor people flow into the states that accepted the Obamacare Medicaid expansion.

Now it's back to the Home State to give those speeches at the BBQ's and rake in the campaign donations.
I guess Trump's message of hatred of Trans people and hatred of Jeff Sessions just wasn't enough to close the deal.


Well-Known Member
Senate bill fails ... now let Obamacare die where it may.
What's that? ... the sucking noise as poor people flow into the states that accepted the Obamacare Medicaid expansion.

Now it's back to the Home State to give those speeches at the BBQ's and rake in the campaign donations.

Good first step. Obamacare will now die a slow death. At that point the market forces at some time will come up with a solution assuming the repubs do not sell out their principles and further feed this insatiable monster which is not a given.


Well-Known Member
Good first step. Obamacare will now die a slow death. At that point the market forces at some time will come up with a solution assuming the repubs do not sell out their principles and further feed this insatiable monster which is not a given.
So funny! You said Republican and principles in the same sentence!


Well-Known Member
He's just a great negotiator. Look at the deal he failed to get done with people ostensibly on his team and just imagine how great he'll do with other countries.

straight from the DNC talking points.



Well-Known Member
Trump never bothered to learn about healthcare (despite his insistence that he knows all about it). It's clear he had no idea what the Senate was trying to pass.

Say what you want about Obama, but he rolled up his sleeves, got involved, and used the power of the Presidency to get the ACA over the finish line. Trump? He went golfing and tweeted pointless grievances and threats.

Amateur hour, sad!


Inordinately Right
Trump never bothered to learn about healthcare (despite his insistence that he knows all about it). It's clear he had no idea what the Senate was trying to pass.

Say what you want about Obama, but he rolled up his sleeves, got involved, and used the power of the Presidency to get the ACA over the finish line. Trump? He went golfing and tweeted pointless grievances and threats.

Amateur hour, sad!
Who would have ever thought it would be so complicated lol. Everyone but Trump apparently.


Well-Known Member
This is the worst aspect of Republicans ... they think they should tell everyone else how to live their lives.
Just a bunch of hypocrites as far as I can see.
Seriously? Dems tell us abortion must be allowed, we must fund it through Planned Parenthood. We must fund contraceptives in our employee insurance that violates our conscience. We must support gay marriage in our business practice or face financial ruin. We can't display our faith publicly during religious holidays lest we offend someone. We must completely take Christianity out of schools. They want the mention of God removed from currency and the Pledge of Allegiance. And on and on.


Nine Lives
Dems tell us abortion must be allowed, we must fund it through Planned Parenthood.
We must fund contraceptives in our employee insurance that violates our conscience.
We must support gay marriage in our business practice or face financial ruin.
We can't display our faith publicly during religious holidays lest we offend someone.
We must completely take Christianity out of schools.
They want the mention of God removed from currency and the Pledge of Allegiance.
And on and on.

Dems tell us abortion must be allowed, we must fund it through Planned Parenthood.
Think about it. Dems are 'telling' judgmental bigots that others should have access to abortion. If this was Repugs, then they would tell you, you had to get an abortion. BIG DIFFERENCE.

These are SCOTUS rulings:
We must fund contraceptives in our employee insurance that violates our conscience.
We must support gay marriage in our business practice or face financial ruin.

These are social pressures ... nothing to do with Dims or Repugs:
We must completely take Christianity out of schools.
They want the mention of God removed from currency and the Pledge of Allegiance.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The point of this article is that insurers might leave the marketplace if there is no assurance from the Trump administration about continuing to pay subsidies according to the ACA. So the question is will Trump intentionally sabotage the individual market or will they follow current law? They could also work to strengthen the markets and increase competition. Any collapse of markets will lay with republicans, they're in charge.


Well-Known Member
I remember quite a few complaints from the anti-Obama crowd when his administration declined to enforce certain laws.

Will they complain now if Trump doesn't enforce the ACA?


Staff member
I remember quite a few complaints from the anti-Obama crowd when his administration declined to enforce certain laws.

Will they complain now if Trump doesn't enforce the ACA?
I've been thinking about that.

Do republicans really think they can through sabotage and neglect just let Obamacare die with no political consequence? If they feared 20 million losing insurance through action, do they believe that fear alleviated with the same 20 million losing through their inaction? That's strange.

And if democrats sweep the next elections and Obamacare is still on the books, how much stronger will they then make it ?