

Well-Known Member
So you're saying to hell with the entire system, you don't care if millions of people lose their insurance carrier as long as a handful don't have to buy it? Good plan.
People are already losing their insurance carrier. And in case you hadn't noticed, Obamacare affects a lot more people negatively than it helps. A LOT.


Well-Known Member
That's not true. Read the article you posted. The big problems that republican state media is yelling about will all be caused by republicans intentionally sabotaging the law. Republicans are happy to hurt their constituents if it makes them "right."

I think when we have this argument we start by agreeing much of congress Is corrupt. the democrats in whole will sell out their principles and blindly follow the party line. the republicans are about 95 percent there. the only difference you have a handful of repubs who will actually vote on their own principles.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's true. But the only thing keeping Repubs from getting things passed is a herd of RINO's.

I would respectfully disagree. McCain and graham yes. Collins is really a democrat pretending to be a repub. the Alaska senator may be another Collins. Paul a libertarian who will follow the repub line when it benefits his libertarian objectives.

the house has a freedom caucus but otherwise is more on the same page.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
People are already losing their insurance carrier. And in case you hadn't noticed, Obamacare affects a lot more people negatively than it helps. A LOT.
Nope, just plain wrong on the facts, Van. Millions covered under Medicaid expansion aren't hurt. Millions getting subsidies to help buy insurance aren't hurt. There is a slim number of middle class families that make too much for subsidies and are paying full fare that one can argue are hurt by the law. I'm in that category and I feel much more financially secure after the ACA because before it health insurance was a nightmare.


Well-Known Member
I would respectfully disagree. McCain and graham yes. Collins is really a democrat pretending to be a repub. the Alaska senator may be another Collins. Paul a libertarian who will follow the repub line when it benefits his libertarian objectives.

the house has a freedom caucus but otherwise is more on the same page.
And it was RINO's who kept it from passing.


Well-Known Member
Nope, just plain wrong on the facts, Van. Millions covered under Medicaid expansion aren't hurt. Millions getting subsidies to help buy insurance aren't hurt. There is a slim number of middle class families that make too much for subsidies and are paying full fare that one can argue are hurt by the law. I'm in that category and I feel much more financially secure after the ACA because before it health insurance was a nightmare.

you're the guy on the Titanic who claims things are good because the top deck is still dry


Well-Known Member
Nope, just plain wrong on the facts, Van. Millions covered under Medicaid expansion aren't hurt. Millions getting subsidies to help buy insurance aren't hurt. There is a slim number of middle class families that make too much for subsidies and are paying full fare that one can argue are hurt by the law. I'm in that category and I feel much more financially secure after the ACA because before it health insurance was a nightmare.
It's because of the ACA that many millions more are getting slammed on deductibles on employee coverage. And it's taxes that cover those subsidies. The ACA was supposed to be revenue neutral but it hasn't been. And insurers are dropping out right and left. And were jacking up rates to cover losses before Trump got into office. And were still dropping out because it's not workable. But still worth it to you because the whole thing is a rigged casino to get us to single payer. And the Repubs are walking right into the Dems trap by not abolishing it. Dems most likely will get back into power because of the Repubs lack of backbone and an erratic President. And for all I know this whole thing is a dog and pony show by both parties to take us down a certain path because the guys pulling the strings want it that way.


Well-Known Member
Nope, just plain wrong on the facts, Van. Millions covered under Medicaid expansion aren't hurt. Millions getting subsidies to help buy insurance aren't hurt. There is a slim number of middle class families that make too much for subsidies and are paying full fare that one can argue are hurt by the law. I'm in that category and I feel much more financially secure after the ACA because before it health insurance was a nightmare.

sounds like you're in agreement with Trump on this one. Nothing to see here , ACA is doing fine. leave it alone.


Well-Known Member
It was a crap bill - even its proponents agreed. What a sight: let's pass this horrible bill, we promise it won't actually become law!

That's no way to govern.


Well-Known Member
It was a crap bill - even its proponents agreed. What a sight: let's pass this horrible bill, we promise it won't actually become law!

That's no way to govern.
It was to get to conference with the House so that they could hammer out the details. Everything has to reconciled. And you're the party of "we must pass it so that we can find out what's in it" so don't act so righteous.