

Well-Known Member
On Health, Republicans Find They Cannot Beat Something With Nothing...

This is what you get when you have a president with no fixed principles, indifferent to policy and ignorant of the legislative process,” said Charlie Sykes, a veteran Republican operative and former radio host...

“The Republicans were never really forced in their years of opposition to come up with a coherent alternative,” said Peter Wehner, a director of the White House Office of Strategic Initiatives under President George W. Bush. “There was no human cost in those artificial votes, and that did not force them to come up with a real governing alternative.” He added, “As the years went by the Affordable Care Act’s roots grew and it became entwined in the health care system. It was an extremely complicated legislative task to undo it.”

...But most Republicans believe that their path to repealing the law would have likely succeeded had it not been for Mr. Trump, whose comments about other topics and inconsistent support for their work — he celebrated a House-passed bill in a Rose Garden ceremony only to denounce it as “mean” weeks later — undermined their efforts.

“I think this is in good measure Trump’s fault,” Mr. Wehner said, echoing what many Republicans said privately and increasingly in public. “He has no knowledge of public policy and is indifferent to it. To try and get massive reform through Congress, even if you have control of Congress, you need the president to be an asset. He isn’t only not an asset, he is an active adversary. He is dead weight for Republicans...


Well-Known Member
no democratic participation

Absolute rubbish.

The ACA was debated for a year, with both public and legislative hearings, and the Dems in charge allowed over 160 Republican amendments.

In the end, it got zero Republican votes.

In contrast, this abortion of a Senate bill was done behind closed doors, as a rush-job, with no Democrat involvement.

Pay attention here: McConnell shut the Democrats out completely.

And, surprise surprise, it got no Dem votes.

It was also a crap bill, no matter which side of the aisle you're on.

Cry snowflake, cry.


Well-Known Member

Dems tell us abortion must be allowed, we must fund it through Planned Parenthood.
Think about it. Dems are 'telling' judgmental bigots that others should have access to abortion. If this was Repugs, then they would tell you, you had to get an abortion. BIG DIFFERENCE.

These are SCOTUS rulings:
We must fund contraceptives in our employee insurance that violates our conscience.
We must support gay marriage in our business practice or face financial ruin.

These are social pressures ... nothing to do with Dims or Repugs:
We must completely take Christianity out of schools.
They want the mention of God removed from currency and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Republicans are "judgemental bigots" for wanting to deny abortions? That whole murder issue has nothing to do with it, right?


Well-Known Member
Absolute rubbish.

The ACA was debated for a year, with both public and legislative hearings, and the Dems in charge allowed over 160 Republican amendments.

In the end, it got zero Republican votes.

In contrast, this abortion of a Senate bill was done behind closed doors, as a rush-job, with no Democrat involvement.

Pay attention here: McConnell shut the Democrats out completely.

And, surprise surprise, it got no Dem votes.

It was also a crap bill, no matter which side of the aisle you're on.

Cry snowflake, cry.
Why would the Democrats vote for Republicare? The ACA is wholly owned by them. Think they're going to admit it was a mistake? Let it implode.


Well-Known Member
Republicans are "judgemental bigots" for wanting to deny abortions? That whole murder issue has nothing to do with it, right?

That's not the issue.

If you don't want to have an abortion, don't have one, but don't tell other people they can't have one.

No one is telling you to have an abortion (not you specifically, I'm using the general 'you').

I get it that you are fundamentally opposed to abortion, and that's your right.

But it's not your right to impose your belief system on other people.

In an ideal world, no one would ever need/want an abortion, but that's not the world we live in.

People just want the option, but you're saying you don't want them to have it. Who is imposing here?

It's not your decision what someone else does with their body...I get it that you don't see it that way, but it's not up to you.

What is your take on sex-education in HS? Condoms? Planned Parenthood?

Aside from the 'fake news', abortions rise when PP funding gets cut...who knew?

In terms of agency, you're not the victim. When we outlaw abortion by proxy (Texas, etc.), women are the victims.

I don't mandate, legislatively, that you need to stick a big black :censored2: up your ass, because that would be a violation of your personal bodily integrity. It works both ways.

At the end of the day, as long as it doesn't personally harm you, it's none of your GD business what someone else does with their body, aside from your particular beliefs.


Well-Known Member
That's not the issue.

If you don't want to have an abortion, don't have one, but don't tell other people they can't have one.

No one is telling you to have an abortion (not you specifically, I'm using the general 'you').

I get it that you are fundamentally opposed to abortion, and that's your right.

But it's not your right to impose your belief system on other people.

In an ideal world, no one would ever need/want an abortion, but that's not the world we live in.

People just want the option, but you're saying you don't want them to have it. Who is imposing here?

It's not your decision what someone else does with their body...I get it that you don't see it that way, but it's not up to you.

What is your take on sex-education in HS? Condoms? Planned Parenthood?

Aside from the 'fake news', abortions rise when PP funding gets cut...who knew?

In terms of agency, you're not the victim. When we outlaw abortion by proxy (Texas, etc.), women are the victims.

I don't mandate, legislatively, that you need to stick a big black :censored2: up your ass, because that would be a violation of your personal bodily integrity. It works both ways.

At the end of the day, as long as it doesn't personally harm you, it's none of your GD business what someone else does with their body, aside from your particular beliefs.
Hey, if you don't want to murder someone, don't do it. Just don't tell other people they can't murder others if they want to.


Well-Known Member
Hey, if you don't want to murder someone, don't do it. Just don't tell other people they can't murder others if they want to.

Is it clear to you that not everyone shares your beliefs?

Are you like the Taliban, or ISIS?

Do you want to enforce your beliefs on others?