Retirement Getting Closer


Well-Known Member
I was waiting to hit 55 yrs old so I could get TeamCare insurance. When I hit 55 I still wasn’t 100% sure I was ready then one day when I was 57 yrs old I woke up and told the wife “I‘m done” and started doing the paper work to get out. I’m glad I didn’t wait any longer. I now can‘t believe I made it all those years.
What year did you retire? I too am waiting till I hit 55 for the insurance , then I’m gone.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
No offense but aren’t you retired?? Why would you even be on browncafe still?? I appreciate the company but once I retire I’m leaving and never looking back.
Us retired guys are wondering why anyone that is still working spends time on Browncafe? Don't you get enough UPS at work? It wasn’t until 2020 when I had a retirement question that I ever thought about Browncafe.
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Him and scratch can start a woodworking business together…that guy won’t leave until they pull his dot card…another breed for sure!
What's he making about 25 grand a month?

He's collecting this paycheck, some pensions will have a pay out after you hit a certain age, collecting your social security because you get nothing more after 70 years old and he's probably taking his RMDs from his IRA.
What's he making about 25 grand a month?

He's collecting this paycheck, some pensions will have a pay out after you hit a certain age, collecting your social security because you get nothing more after 70 years old and he's probably taking his RMDs from his IRA.
We have guys triple dipping here. A few guys have $140k+ feeder pulls, drawing their pensions, and SS. Been here since 1972, that's a fat pension out here.