Retirement Getting Closer


Well-Known Member
I don't know , I last saw him about 10 yrs ago
But we have a guy up here in Boston , full time preloader , from 1968. Then a guy in Chelmsford Ma , a shifter , just left in October from 1964 ,, I was two months old they day he walked in.
There will always be a few freaks of nature here who are just from another time period…


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Some people have no purpose without work, don't know how to live without it. Strangely, this is them enjoying life...
Knew a guy who retired ( not UPS) way past when he could have quit. The people he worked with kept badgering him, "why you working?'', etc. He finally retired. Two weeks later he went back and tried to get his job back. Everybody had a good laugh and they told him to "get out of here!"
Thirty days after he waked out of the plant, he put the gun to his head sitting on a picnic table across the road, on the outside of the fence/gate of the factory he couldn't live without.


Well-Known Member
We have guys triple dipping here. A few guys have $140k+ feeder pulls, drawing their pensions, and SS. Been here since 1972, that's a fat pension out here.
You would be surprised though about the pension… the old timers got pennies on the dollar compared to what we get now… it’s night and day. Maybe that’s why they feel like they have to work here so long, to make it up in their pension..