Retirement Getting Closer


Happy Verified UPSer
Most of that was accomplished while working for UPS with very generous wages and benefits negotiated on your behalf by the very union you freeloaded off of.
There is no talking to someone like this. It's the same as trying to change someone's mind about their politics, abortion, religion ,etc.

It's a waste of time.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
There is no talking to someone like this. It's the same as trying to change someone's mind about their politics, abortion, religion ,etc.

It's a waste of time.

What is there to "talking to" about abortion?

Except that it should be rare and not used for birth control. Why would you want to change someone's mind about that?

Like: "Let me tell you why partial birth abortion is a great idea..." "and should happen as normal....."


This a Liberal/Democrat pillar.

No? You aren't paying attention and would be intellectually dishonest.


Retired 23 years

What is there to "talking to" about abortion?

Except that it should be rare and not used for birth control. Why would you want to change someone's mind about that?

Like: "Let me tell you why partial birth abortion is a great idea..." "and should happen as normal....."


This a Liberal/Democrat pillar.

No? You aren't paying attention and would be intellectually dishonest.
Womans body-womans choice. Guys should stay out of it.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I have two days left Monday(29th) and Tuesday(30th) and I'm out.
On Tuesday the 29th, get in the fully loaded pkg car, get a thermos of coffee, go to the nearest interstate, drive until you are out of coffee, exit off the interstate, call in and tell them you're not feeling well, you're just not yourself and you have no idea where you are.


Pineapple King
On Tuesday the 29th, get in the fully loaded pkg car, get a thermos of coffee, go to the nearest interstate, drive until you are out of coffee, exit off the interstate, call in and tell them you're not feeling well, you're just not yourself and you have no idea where you are.
I haven't been in a package car in 8 years. Tuesday is the 30th.