Retro check is in!


The Scapegoat With Attitude
False, in a right to work state like Texas the union is required by State Law to give them the same benefits as paying union members. You have to be fully covered by the collective bargaining agreement. The only thing you lose out on is participating in union meetings etc.
I was asking...not claiming facts.


The Scapegoat With Attitude
That's the way it should be. There's a word for being compelled by threat of force to provide services for someone without compensation...

I don't see how any reasonable person can support RTW laws as they are written.
Agreed. Im not in a rtw state however. Union is a good thing. Idky people believe otherwise.


I'm a star
Agreed. Im not in a rtw state however. Union is a good thing. Idky people believe otherwise.

It's a combination of a lack of understanding of economic forces, and an overall weakening of the labor movement through the corruption and incompetence of Union Officials. Many people don't understand why they should have to pay dues just to work a job. All they see is money coming out of their checks.


Well-Known Member
Amen. The only way to have made it any easier on people is for them to be to your house and physically do it for you. All it took was a 2 minute phone call or a few clicks of a mouse. Can't make it any easier.

I'm convinced a fair number of people don't vote because they're afraid of making the wrong decision, and prefer to leave that decision to others who might have a better understanding of the consequences. It would be interesting to see a survey or study done on this so we have some idea of the numbers involved. If I'm right, though, making it easier to vote won't convince some people to do so.


I love my job. Don't you?
I'm convinced a fair number of people don't vote because they're afraid of making the wrong decision, and prefer to leave that decision to others who might have a better understanding of the consequences. It would be interesting to see a survey or study done on this so we have some idea of the numbers involved. If I'm right, though, making it easier to vote won't convince some people to do so.
Very good point actually. I had never thought of it that way. I wonder how many people don't vote because of that instead of I don't care.


Well-Known Member
It's a combination of a lack of understanding of economic forces, and an overall weakening of the labor movement through the corruption and incompetence of Union Officials. Many people don't understand why they should have to pay dues just to work a job. All they see is money coming out of their checks.

I-Team: Seasonal UPS Workers Had Almost Entire Paychecks Handed Over To Union

:censored2: like this doesn't help either. Teamsters officials need to remember who they work for.
Today is day 48 since UPS and Teamsters announced 6-8 weeks for retro checks. That means tomorrow is day 49. That’s 7 weeks. Many have speculated that the first week of July will be retro pay. That will be well over 8 weeks. What is the union doing about this? Do they have a plan?