RIP Anthony Bourdain

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
My wife's father committed suicide at 36. Left behind a wife and 4 kids. Was also a heroin addict, in and out of prison. Bourdain was a former heroin addict too. No telling what demons are in the heads of people who've hit rock bottom at some point. Read an article this evening that said a very sad side effect of celebrity suicides is it becomes like a contagion. Suicides went up 10% in the months after Robin Williams' death. Most likely if he had been clear headed enough to realize the hurt his death would cause his family, and possibly lead to others mimicking him, he wouldn't have done it. Just find it hard to believe he was in his right mind. About the only ones who seem clear headed taking their life are the terminally ill who are in great pain or soon will be.
I think it goes without saying that is person who commits suicide "is not in their right* mind'.
To me, suicide is a logical way to deal with certain scenarios.
In some cultures, suicide is an accepted behavior and even respected under the 'right' circumstances.



Just a turd
So ...
This seems to point to a difference between you and me.

You, in a group think mode with little weight to the individual, feels that an individual must consider his/her actions in relation to how it affects others.
I, in an individualist mode with little (probably zero) weight towards groups, feels that beyond responsibility to their children's financial welfare, has very little responsibility to how it affects others.

PS. - the current theory/rumor why Tony committed suicide is his wife's philandering. I don't know if I accept her crocodile tears for Tony.


Well-Known Member
So ...
This seems to point to a difference between you and me.

You, in a group think mode with little weight to the individual, feels that an individual must consider his/her actions in relation to how it affects others.

I, in an individualist mode with little (probably zero) weight towards groups, feels that beyond responsibility to their children's financial welfare, has very little responsibility to how it affects others.

PS. - the current theory/rumor why Tony committed suicide is his wife's philandering. I don't know if I accept her crocodile tears for Tony.
Hey fella, personally I guess you mean more to your kids than the cash you will leave.

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
So ...
This seems to point to a difference between you and me.

You, in a group think mode with little weight to the individual, feels that an individual must consider his/her actions in relation to how it affects others.

I, in an individualist mode with little (probably zero) weight towards groups, feels that beyond responsibility to their children's financial welfare, has very little responsibility to how it affects others.

PS. - the current theory/rumor why Tony committed suicide is his wife's philandering. I don't know if I accept her crocodile tears for Tony.
So basically we are all different. Hmmm. I glad someone cleared that up for me. And here I thought we all were just a bunch of autonomous robots.