RIP Anthony Bourdain


Well-Known Member

everything is garbage compared to TuPac.

He was just that good.

Cavs are garbage.


Inordinately Right
LMFAO. You have NO Idea wtf your talkin bout. Honestly though. I appreciate your concern. No lie. Seriously, thanks for that. I respect you for that. #ifyouaintfirstyourlast
Mkay then....
I'm sure you've got it all under control..... Said every addict ever.

Seriously, I'd trust a heroin addict before a gambling addict. Gamblers are too clever for their own good, they think they've got it all figured out.


Well-Known Member
Mkay then....
I'm sure you've got it all under control..... Said every addict ever.

I do a lot of gambling. Every time I fart I take a huge risk.


Seriously, I'd trust a heroin addict before a gambling addict. Gamblers are too clever for their own good, they think they've got it all figured out.


Strength through joy
I'm very upset that A B did not use a gun to kill himself , so what if he was in a Gun Free Country , the terrorists seem to have no problems obtaining them.