wkmac, i
Well, let's see, can you imagine if the Russians had the nuclear bomb at the time of ww2, they would have obliterated your beloved Germany.
Well, lets see. War back then was never to bomb the hell out of a place, but to conquer more land.
That has always been the main reason in the olden days. From ancient Rome, Greece, etc, to more modern days with English,. Dutch, German and so on, colonies.
Worldwar 2, started for that reason, as Hitler and Stalin made a pack to invade Polen, and divide it up among eachother.
And Russia still had that in mind in WWII, and therfor got to create the whole eastern block, and even took part of Germany into it.
Besides, all that, the Russians also wanted the German technoligy that was probably the best in the world at that time.
The luftwaffe had the best planes, no one other then Germany had U-Boats, Tanks were the best, and german sceintist even developed the A-Bomb , (even though in the states).
I don't think Russia would have ever used the A-Bomb, if they had it at the time, to destroy something they were really after.
Face it, what would anybody gain doing so ? Besides it would basically be in their own backyard, and the toxicidity would probably reach their own soil.
Hitler on the other hand, would have used it, by the end. To avoid total defeat, regardless of the concequences. Russia was never put in that situation.