Ronald Reagan, Great American Hawk


Für Meno :)
Yes, I read his misguided little article. Basically it states that because Reagan was involved in only a couple of very minor military skirmishes he was not a "hawk" as if that's important. It completely ignored his accomplishments of bringing down of the Berlin Wall and forcing the breakup of the Soviet Union. Those two events have changed the world for the better. Reagan only proved that you do not have to start a major conflict in order to win against tyrannical adversaries. We definitely need another Reagan like President once this bozo gets the boot in 2012.

I see you joined Tie, in some falshified History.


Long Time Member
Did you read Wk's innitial post? This sounds simply like neo-con propaganda regardless of historical fact from the people actually around Reagan.

No I did not read Wk's "innital" post. Reagan was the best Leader this Country has seen in many years.

You guys need to start a Thread called "Deep Political Nonsense which is Lengthy and Boring" (DPNLB)


Well-Known Member
It completely ignored his accomplishments of bringing down of the Berlin Wall and forcing the breakup of the Soviet Union. Those two events have changed the world for the better. Reagan only proved that you do not have to start a major conflict in order to win against tyrannical adversaries. We definitely need another Reagan like President once this bozo gets the boot in 2012.



Für Meno :)
wkmac, it's almost 1am, and I spent 2 hrs watching your BBC documentary.
And you know what ? It;s dead on !

Just look at what they did do Clinton back then. History is repeating itself, again with Obama now.
The fear mongering, even from Tie, ( saying Reagen saved Canada - yeah, right !!!!, LMAO).

And if you lived , like me in Europe, at the time of the cold war, the fear among most Germans and other European countries was from the states.
With americans going postal, wacko texas, and oklahoma bombing, Europeans thought it was just a matter of time, that some idiot american would set off the nuke-launcher.

Americans have proven in worldwar 2, how destructive they are, compared to Russians.
Dropped 2 nuclear bombs, and basically flattened Dresden with conventional air bombs.

I'm a type of person (according to that doc), that thinks everyone can get along, too. No matter what they believe in. Don't care if they are commies, or Islamic, or even dictators.
But, most of the time, you will find commen ground.
For instance, I hope Obama does make peace and ends the embargo with Cuba.
It's a beautiful place, and sad not to see it on any cruiseship itineraries.

Anyways, looks like 2 evils to fight now, Islamic Terrorists and Obama .
Good luck Rednecks !


wkmac, i

Americans have proven in worldwar 2, how destructive they are, compared to Russians.
Dropped 2 nuclear bombs, and basically flattened Dresden with conventional air bombs.

Well, let's see, can you imagine if the Russians had the nuclear bomb at the time of ww2, they would have obliterated your beloved Germany.

As for Dresden, it was pretty much an allied bombing with the Brits playing a strong hand in the planning and execution of the operation. Here's is a little bit from Wikipedia:

Development of a German political response to the raid took several turns. Initially, some of the leadership, especially Robert Ley and Joseph Goebbels, wanted to use it as a pretext for abandonment of the Geneva Conventions on the Western Front. In the end, the only political action the German government took was to exploit it for propaganda purposes.[84] Goebbels is reported to have wept with rage for twenty minutes after he heard the news of the catastrophe, before launching into a bitter attack on Hermann Goering, the commander of the Luftwaffe: "If I had the power I would drag this cowardly good-for-nothing, this Reich marshal, before a court...How much guilt does this parasite not bear for all this, which we owe to his indolence and love of his own comforts...".[85]

Wow, Klein, you and Goebbels having a shared rage over Dresden. What good company you keep!


Für Meno :)
wkmac, i

Well, let's see, can you imagine if the Russians had the nuclear bomb at the time of ww2, they would have obliterated your beloved Germany.

Well, lets see. War back then was never to bomb the hell out of a place, but to conquer more land.
That has always been the main reason in the olden days. From ancient Rome, Greece, etc, to more modern days with English,. Dutch, German and so on, colonies.
Worldwar 2, started for that reason, as Hitler and Stalin made a pack to invade Polen, and divide it up among eachother.

And Russia still had that in mind in WWII, and therfor got to create the whole eastern block, and even took part of Germany into it.
Besides, all that, the Russians also wanted the German technoligy that was probably the best in the world at that time.
The luftwaffe had the best planes, no one other then Germany had U-Boats, Tanks were the best, and german sceintist even developed the A-Bomb , (even though in the states).

I don't think Russia would have ever used the A-Bomb, if they had it at the time, to destroy something they were really after.
Face it, what would anybody gain doing so ? Besides it would basically be in their own backyard, and the toxicidity would probably reach their own soil.

Hitler on the other hand, would have used it, by the end. To avoid total defeat, regardless of the concequences. Russia was never put in that situation.


Well-Known Member
wkmac, it's almost 1am, and I spent 2 hrs watching your BBC documentary.
And you know what ? It;s dead on !

Just look at what they did do Clinton back then. History is repeating itself, again with Obama now.
The fear mongering, even from Tie, ( saying Reagen saved Canada - yeah, right !!!!, LMAO).

And if you lived , like me in Europe, at the time of the cold war, the fear among most Germans and other European countries was from the states.
With americans going postal, wacko texas, and oklahoma bombing, Europeans thought it was just a matter of time, that some idiot american would set off the nuke-launcher.

Americans have proven in worldwar 2, how destructive they are, compared to Russians.
Dropped 2 nuclear bombs, and basically flattened Dresden with conventional air bombs.

I'm a type of person (according to that doc), that thinks everyone can get along, too. No matter what they believe in. Don't care if they are commies, or Islamic, or even dictators.
But, most of the time, you will find commen ground.
For instance, I hope Obama does make peace and ends the embargo with Cuba.
It's a beautiful place, and sad not to see it on any cruiseship itineraries.

Anyways, looks like 2 evils to fight now, Islamic Terrorists and Obama .
Good luck Rednecks !

This sounds like its coming from someone who spent those 2 hours sobering up. I would watch them myself, but I have much better things to do. Ronald Reagan was our last truly great President, and only a President as bad as Obama will be able to drag out another truly great future President like how Reagan was. I will say his single greatest failure had to be signing the 1986 machine gun ban into law. Perhaps one day the Supreme Court will strike this law down as well.


Für Meno :)
From a democratic and fiscal point of view. Clinton was the last great president.
Finally someone that had fiscal responsibility, and actaully ran a budget surplus.
Thats 10 years ago. The last time since America hasn't been going deeper and deeper into debt.


Well-Known Member
From a democratic and fiscal point of view. Clinton was the last great president.
Finally someone that had fiscal responsibility, and actaully ran a budget surplus.
Thats 10 years ago. The last time since America hasn't been going deeper and deeper into debt.

That's a pretty funny way to try to spin what really happened. The fact is that Clinton was little more than just there when it came to the balance of budgets. The reason we had a surplus was mainly because his budget was so bad that it could not get passed. The fact actually is that the Clinton budgets projected at least 200 billion dollar deficits as far as they could predict. For all of his faults you should give credit to Gingrich for the budget surplus that happened.

Edit to add: Just to be clear Clinton did everything that was politically possible to fight all attempts to balance the budget. He even had to submit five budgets and we cannot forget that he and his wife tried to take over health care that would've made the deficits of today look small.


Well-Known Member
From a democratic and fiscal point of view. Clinton was the last great president.
Finally someone that had fiscal responsibility, and actaully ran a budget surplus.
Thats 10 years ago. The last time since America hasn't been going deeper and deeper into debt.

someone have an extra clue they can sell this guy?


Für Meno :)
Klein wont take clues...Just "Likor" bottles.:funny:

Quite the opposite. I had a good school teacher, and actually tried to call him in Germany a few times just recently.
He taught us to not to read or listen to only 1 single media. As many as you can, to get the full picture. And , also always keep an open mind for new ideas and thoughts.
Everyone should be able to think for themselves, and also think out of the box at times.

We would not have great politicians, or sceintists, even doctors, that couldn't think outside of what they have only been taught.

Look at some of you, everything the republican party does, you agree upon, even the Iraqi war, and everything Obama does, including saving the american auto industry is crap.
Mexico vacation, forget it, right ? Off limits according to your media. Yet, I wondered the streets at night from 1am to 6am in Puerto Vallarta. The absence of any window/door shutters or bars at all the closed shops, is a sign how safe that city really is.
I don't even get to see that here, these days anymore.

Same as pointing out that America is the best nation in the world to live in. If you never left the country, and lived and worked somewhere else, then I wonder how some come to that conclusion, because in fact, the US never makes the top 5 list on the UN assessment.
Canada was number 1 for 10+ years in a row, but we sunk a bit.... number 2 spot for sometime now.

Anyways, if you don't keep a little free space in your head, to think differently at times, and only want to be influenced by your favorite media and newspapers & party, then you are just another victim of brainwashing.


This sounds like its coming from someone who spent those 2 hours sobering up. I would watch them myself, but I have much better things to do. Ronald Reagan was our last truly great President, and only a President as bad as Obama will be able to drag out another truly great future President like how Reagan was. I will say his single greatest failure had to be signing the 1986 machine gun ban into law. Perhaps one day the Supreme Court will strike this law down as well.

wkmac must be ecstatic that someone actually read his posts....:happy2:


Für Meno :)
I imagine Klein then followed up his thanks to reagan by thanking americans for keeping him safe?

Quite the opposite. The Russians warned the US that the Taliban in Afghanistan would cause future trouble, and asked the US for help. They didn't get any.
Now here ya go, spending another trillion or 2, and many lives, because the Reagan admistration wouldn't listen.
Instead he supported them all the way. Good going Reagan !

Lesson learned, I hope.


I'm sure klein is probably dripping with gratitude since the soviets would have made him work their slave camps regardless of how much he drank.


I imagine Klein got tears welling up in his eyes on the 4th thinking of how his life of leeching off of society would not have been possible without the help of Ronnie Reagan and the americna people keeping his country out of harms way.