You know, I'm flattered that Canadians and basicly the whole world knows who our former Presidents are.
Cuz quite honestly, I couldn't name ONE former Canada president (PM, whateva) PROBABLY because they've never done anything remotely newsworthy.
Just sayin......
You probably couldn't name a french or german president (Channcelor), either. Besides Napoleon and Hitler.
Thats just the way American media is. They cut Canada right off the map.
It's sad, that most Americans wouldn't know who is the Chinese president, who is giving you the money to continue to live as you are.
Down South, Afhganistan is considered America's war. Here we report it as Nato allies.
We learn, how many British, German , Dutch, Americans, Canadians, etc, who have been killed in a day or week, which is also missing from your news stories.
Face it, how many of you, know the Queen of England was in New York yesterday ? Her name is Queen Elizabeth II, by the way , she is the most political knowable figure on earth, who has met Presidents and world leaders since the mid 50's.
Besides, all that Canadians keep a low profile. Along with the Dutch. The 2 of us always meet together all over the world as Peacekeepers.
But, besides all of the above, Canadian news media shows the world news everyday, and EVERYBODY here has american TV channels, too.
A few lucky ones in the US, that live near the border have access to Canadian TV, but not the rest of the US.
And, I do admit, the US president, no matter who he is, what he has archieved or not, is well known all around the world.
Bush W, was hated, Obama is liked. Thats just the way it is. And actually Reagan was liked in Canada, too, but disliked in Europe and probably other places around the world.
His arms race really put a fear into Europe (I was living there at the time).
I remember going to the Cinema watching "The Day After". Even the Russian Government (Breschneow, { spelling ?} ) commented on that film, that things need to change, before that ever happens.
Besides all that, Canada has never and probably will never become a Worldpower, maybe in another 50- 100 years, when food and natural resorces are scarce. But not now.
It doesn't even want that role. Economic Powerhouse, just like Germany, sure, and just keep on striving.
Kind of like China is doing these days.
In my perfect world, we leave it up to the United Nations to decide if a country needs to be invaded or not.
And, above 60% of votes should count to pass a motion.