There is basically one local in the state that represents UPS. Remember it’s a right to work state. Their executive board is pretty good, but you aren’t exactly dealing with the best of the best there. Their backlog of grievances is partly to do with such a large geographical area.
Curious as to why you don’t believe me, @728ups can corroborate what was said. Not sure why you’re calling me a liar, call the hall and ask yourself if you don’t believe what you’re seeing.
JAckBurton speaks the truth.Management has stalled grievances the past two years ,and in our building we have unsettled grievances from 2016. Our building is about 1/2 the size of Roswell and I'd wager we have around 700 outstanding grievances .
JAckBurton speaks the truth.Management has stalled grievances the past two years ,and in our building we have unsettled grievances from 2016. Our building is about 1/2 the size of Roswell and I'd wager we have around 700 outstanding grievances .