Running a route.


Well-Known Member
I like when a bulk stop is delayed till the pickup time... sometimes even a few stops after the pickup!!


I'm a star
I wish they would change the resi/comm softkey function to toggle business/resi like it SEEMS it would. Still not sure what it does but it isnt that.

Anyways, if Im not sure Ill call the center around 2 and ask if I have any businesses left and they can see. The route that Im on right now (for the most part) if I ran it according to Orion I would have 10-15 missed businesses everyday. Though Im not sure how dispatch would fix it without completely murdering how Orion calculates the "least gas mileage path" considering I essentially have to run the route 3-5 times a day. Air, bulk, (sometimes irregs), businesses, resi.

It used to let you clear the resi nda saver commit times. It's now useless because there are no more nda saver commit times.


I'm a star
In Soviet Russia, route runs you!


In Mother Russia, pallet jacks pallet jack.


Well-Known Member
Some drivers want it like that because it literally makes it easier. Would you rather pull 30-40 bulk at a dock stop from the 2000 shelf or from the 6 or 8 shelf?
And they get put there because they are an everyday delivery
Oh I agree 100%. My last route I had dispatch put one of my bulk stops at the back of my 8000 shelf. Usually about 10-15 pieces. Much easier than the MFL it was before.

I'm saying you can't necessarily run a route in PAL order to get the route done right.


Don’t worry he’s friendly
Oh I agree 100%. My last route I had dispatch put one of my bulk stops at the back of my 8000 shelf. Usually about 10-15 pieces. Much easier than the MFL it was before.

I'm saying you can't necessarily run a route in PAL order to get the route done right.
Heavy industrial route no. Full blown resi route yes
The only thing that sucks about dedicated hin and shelf stops are if they add neighborhoods to your route then those neighborhoods get crammed in your 5 and 7s. I have a route I run for a guy who has a publishing company dedicated to 8000 hin and it’s the only stop on the shelf. They added 2 neighborhoods back during covid peak sometimes and it would screw me. Just because you would look at the 5/6/7 shelf and they would have 70+ on each and the loader can’t do anything about it. I tell him if he ever sees that leave the 6 and 7 shelf off. Fill them up with 4s and 5s.

Doesn’t sound bad but the route is a daily 600+ volume pickup and it’s not a retail Route it’s straight business/industrial minimal resi. when they add those stops I lose shelf space for pickups
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