Our "safety co-chair" has been fired three times (yes, 3) for not wearing his seatbelt.
Not one other driver in our building has been fired or reprimanded once for that infraction but this guy's been fired three times and they've got him sneaking around and documenting good drivers and a few weeks ago he and a few other "safety hourlies" went to a larger center and "observed" other veteran drivers on road.
This is just the tip of the iceberg with his "safe work methods" that most drivers would never dream of doing.
Why is he still there? Because he runs routes way under scratch.
He just got his job back from being fired the second time when a Deputy Sheriff pulled him over for doing 70+ mph in a 55 zone in a UPS pkg car and the deputy reported the traffic stop to the center manager.
We are a little sour on the "safety" mascots the company picks and a very few real issues get fixed with the center manager we have.
Pcms with the "safety mascot" at the helm are a joke at best and we're not sure we even want to prop up this program anymore.