Got the T-Shirt
They said the same thing when Ronnie ran.
Ronnie.... Who ?? Oh yeah.... Banned for life.... Never served again.
Sandy.... Who ??
They said the same thing when Ronnie ran.
Ronnie.... Who ?? Oh yeah.... Banned for life.... Never served again.
Sandy.... Who ??
You don't know the whole story (hell, I don't think I do either! lol)Jimmy Who?? Oh thats right Hoffa's son. And he did what before he was elected?? Oh thats right nothing but use his daddy's name. I guess some of you drank the Hoffa koolaid on Carey. Guess you didnt get the memo: Carey was acquitted of all the bogus charges. Banned for life?? Is it a surprise, look at the corporate establishment thugs who banned him!! Of course he had to be banned. He posed a huge threat after the 1997 strike. Imagine if other unions got off their asses and stood up to the bosses. Imagine economic justice in this country. Imagine!!!!
Of course he had to be banned. He posed a huge threat after the 1997 strike. Yeah... Right... Imagine if UPS People got off their asses and stood up to the bosses. Imagine!!!!
Why? Because the article you posted, that her cronies wrote up, says so?
She does not seem very trustworthy from her demeanor
Her demeanor, meaning the way she acts, talks, handles herself. Are you really that unfamiliar with the word? Check out any interview you can watch on the 'net with Sandy Pope, she has the most sock-puppet cliche answers to every question of important asked and she refuses to maintain eye contact. She does not seem like someone that should be in charge of running an international union. no matter how much experience she has in the trenchesHer demeanor? Her track record speaks for itself, she has more "real" UPS experience than Hoffa Jr and Hall combined.
Her demeanor, meaning the way she acts, talks, handles herself. Are you really that unfamiliar with the word? Check out any interview you can watch on the 'net with Sandy Pope, she has the most sock-puppet cliche answers to every question of important asked and she refuses to maintain eye contact. She does not seem like someone that should be in charge of running an international union. no matter how much experience she has in the trenches
Having said that, my opinion is only that, and could change if she ever decides to get serious about running and learns how to publically speak and get HER points across rather than typical talking points that any joe schmoe off the street could recite.
A good question is, Who will negotiate the next UPS contract?
Her track record speaks for itself.
Maloney, McDevitt and 42 of their friends for UPS
Just reading out of the contract ?
Maloney retired 3 years ago. I thought all the company guys knew that.
If you had bothered to quote my entire post instead of the part that you felt you could slam me on you would have read that I said that these were the folks who negotiated our current NMA.
I should add this disclaimer to my signature line:
Any similarity between myself and upssocks is purely coincidental.
We are not one in the same. I post what I believe while he posts just to agitate.
Oh when BUG corrects your misinformation, it is now "slamming", however when you make the very same type of pompous know-it-all quibble correction post, it is "posting what you believe"
Isn't that just the ultimate irony?