Sarah palin


All Trash No Trailer

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Another hate filled statement by the biggest hater on this website.

The hand full of fringe left wing loons you hang with could not be prouder!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Another hate filled statement by the biggest hater on this website.

The hand full of fringe left wing loons you hang with could not be prouder!

The truth hurts, dont it buddy? Youre beloved wench has capitvated you to the point where you have lost your common sense. But heck, its a free country, and I wont attempt to take that from you.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Your PALIN photo depicts an "false" family. The reality of the PALINS has been remarkably clear, an unmarried teen daughter who gave birth out of wedlock along with a FALSE engagement to the babys father, a husband, TODD, who frequents prostitutes at massage parlors, an entire family of members involved in the selling, manufacturing and distributing METH in Wasilla, Alaska and a former governor who had to resign because of multiple ethics charges being filed against her.

Yeah, america wouldnt have a problem with those people.

Your picture tells the wrong story about the Palins and "we" keep correcting it. Sorry if you dont like the truth.



They are hated because they are bad people.


Nine Lives

While I enjoy Bill's humor, he definitely goes over the line on occasion.

Incidentally, I saw a show on Neanderthals and they used make-up to create what a Neanderthal person looked like.
They put him on the street in a suit and a briefcase and other than the color of the hair (red versus gray), it looked just like Bill.
I'll never be able to watch his show again without cracking a smile.


golden ticket member
The end of the world can’t be far away.

Via The Inquisitr:

First Howard Dean and now Noam Chomsky agreeing with Sarah Palin?

In an interview with Democracy Now, the influential MIT linguistics professor, author, and prominent left-wing political activist admitted that Sarah Palin was right about Barack Obama in that there was no substance to his presidential campaign.

Palin also recently received validation from former Gov. Howard Dean, a prominent liberal Democrat, about what she termed Obamacare death panels, otherwise known as the Independent Payment Advisory Board.

In these latest comments about the president, Chomsky said that “I don’t usually admire Sarah Palin, but when she was making fun of this ‘hopey changey stuff,’ she was right; there was nothing there. And it was understood by the people who run the political system, and so it’s no great secret that the US electoral system is mainly a public relations extravaganza… it’s sort of a marketing affair.”


Well-Known Member
The end of the world can’t be far away.

Via The Inquisitr:
First Howard Dean and now Noam Chomsky agreeing with Sarah Palin?

In an interview with Democracy Now, the influential MIT linguistics professor, author, and prominent left-wing political activist admitted that Sarah Palin was right about Barack Obama in that there was no substance to his presidential campaign.

Palin also recently received validation from former Gov. Howard Dean, a prominent liberal Democrat, about what she termed Obamacare death panels, otherwise known as the Independent Payment Advisory Board.

In these latest comments about the president, Chomsky said that “I don’t usually admire Sarah Palin, but when she was making fun of this ‘hopey changey stuff,’ she was right; there was nothing there. And it was understood by the people who run the political system, and so it’s no great secret that the US electoral system is mainly a public relations extravaganza… it’s sort of a marketing affair.”

Been sayin'!

Sarah's right but her alternative in the GOP is just as bad so there you go. And Chomsky knows this too!